1.3.2 FEATURES 1.2.0 FEATURES * Encrypted - Licensing * Customizable widget-based home page * User account expires * Universal Player 1.5.0 FEATURES - Licensing Sharing: Inbox and Published User account quotas Consistent and complete CSS/HTML customization model More user friendly and complete Styles page Export playlist and playlist archive (zipped with assets) Custom user metadata fields, attached to reporting and registration Alert Events - Email/Shutdown Actions * Internal: Permissions and settings by Base, Group, Role, User, and Override 2.0.0 FEATURES Active Directory support Group/project - "Logged in as Jesse on ABC:Combat" Ingest DAW output to generate real cuesheet GUI: Permissions and settings by Base, Group, Role, User, and Override ENTERPRISE Cloud $ Royalty Free E-Commerce $ Music Library Licensing E-Commerce REQUESTS 615: Smart Search or Spelling Correction (on searches) - Google Suggest Better Style Sheet system WHITE PAPERS CSS customization Javascript coding MusicMiner `metadata` field usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - [FIXED] Can't save cuesheet field changes. (Brad Gesaman) - [FIXED] Can't create playlists (ABC). - [FIXED] Script stopped responding - slow - on Base settings. (Paramount) - delay load Sorting? - [FIXED] Report permissions allows Users tab as well. - [FIXED] Registration Email: HTML format messed up. (Paramount) - [FIXED] Summarizing a field for the home page widgets does not verify that field exists in all databases before summarizing resulting in MySQL error. - [FIXED] 128 character limit on Saved Search names. (Tim @ Harpo) - [FIXED] Admin | Home add button error. Drag n' drop anomolies. Summarizing non-existant field. - [FIXED] "Database record not found." when auditioning track in playlist - but auditions fine, no waveform. (ABC) - [NEW] Custom global links (615). - [NEW] Help Admin videos. - [NEW] Ability to rename ZIP'd assets when downloading. - [NEW] Ability to customize the display of track titles in the Project panel. - [NEW] Ability, like SM, to parameterize naming of files on transfer and downloading. - [NEW] Registration option that just sends the Admin an email and let's him do the actual user creation. (adam@sonicunion.com) - [NEW] Disable Server-Side Push for non-local users. (Tim @ Harpo) - [NEW] Limit the number of times a song can be downloaded. (Jim @ WB) - [NEW] BPM calculator. - [CHANGED] Systemize E-Tag and Cache directives to both heavily use browser cache and yet always invalidate on actual change. Ideally never have to clear cache server or local again. - [CHANGED] Use SM's summary tables for home page summaries, sorting settings, and metadata browser. - [CHANGED] Label preferences (gear button) to make where to change password more obvious. (ABC) - [CHANGED] Metadata browser splits out keyword lists as separate items (comma lists). (ABC) ABC - after installing 1.2.1 - [05-Apr-2010 11:37:44] PHP Warning: Module 'zip' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 - [05-Apr-2010 11:37:44] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mcrypt.so' - dlopen(/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mcrypt.so, 9): image not found in Unknown on line 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current: CHANGE LOG [2.0] [NEW] Added publish/unpublish button for administrator role users to allow for a playlist / cuesheet to be available to topics / widgets / quicksearch etc. as a selectable item to add to an option on these. [NEW] Added config var CUSTOM_LOGO_LINK to change where logo link goes to instead of site's host. One can still use my_home logo widget that's there to go to the home page of the site but that's hidden by default via CSS. [FIX] Playlist was not displaying when in widgets libraries area, if you were the user that selected the playlist then fine but otherwise the selected playlist created by another user was not displayed. [FIX] Edge case, dragging a playlist down when you do not have a status bar displayed in your browser you do not have a means of dragging slow enough to scroll it down, added 10px blank space to the bottom to give definite space to start a drag in the projects area. [NEW] Many cuesheet tweaks and additions, wrapping up Doug Bossi requests including Protools and other format imports and cue time fixes etc. [NEW] Intelligent turning on / off of continuous. [NEW] Auto-on for OnePages for cont play. [FIX] Set OnePages to not default to pw protected. [NEW] Added playlists to libraries widget with logos now as well. [NEW] Added topics area feature to assign logos to libraries and group by owned. [1.5] [NEW] Added config to auto enable downloads for OnePage, default off. [NEW] Added red asterisk on admin->columns area with message alerting to fields that should not be disabled on and above the list of fields. [NEW] Added key commands to OnePage. [NEW] Significant reworking of searches to allow for more relevant returns. This was a reworking of how MySQL handles things as well as our algorithm. [NEW] Added password to OnePages as an option. [FIX] Set OnePage to not livelink / display livelinks on tracks. [NEW] Added the ability to add a class of "mysource" to a link, adding this and a db_id="THE DB ID NUMBER AVAILABLE IN YOUR SOURCES DROPDOWN" will set your system to be within that source for searching. Useful if you want a link to change databases instead of the sources dropdown / projects area links. [NEW] admin->users, set background color of deleted users to a light red. [NEW] Comments track widget, can add comments to tracks added to your playlist, they will show up on your OnePage for the given track, per track. [NEW] Admin->files, made files clickable to open in new window facilitating download. [NEW] Put in paging for new cuesheets. [NEW] Set Selective Search to dock on submitting a search so as to not block view. [FIX] Confirmed and tweaked issue with being able to send to multiple recipients via the email registration field upon registration in admin->site when emails are separated by commas. Was giving an issue with some mail systems due to an added space if emails were separated by space and comma, not with all, but some. Filtering out space now. [NEW] Added a total report of tracks by library to system tab. [NEW] Set default order of wordgrid to be sequence then alpha, instead of sequence and date created. [NEW] Added ability to enter a playlist_id for a playlist search for "mysearch" elements within the interface, thereby allowing one to click on an item and have a playlist come up. [FIX] QuickSearch did not work in IE, layover would open but items would not add due to an foreach loop issue. [NEW] Terms and conditions enhanced to allow for a T & C per country selected, or default to just the original / default T & C if none exists. [NEW] Added secondary Terms & Conditions this was a requirement of some european countries. Can be turned off with a config. [FIX] Properly handled an error on one page create when session had timed out. [NEW] You can now do a publicsearch with playlist by passing src_type=playlist, src_id=your playlist ID. [NEW] Continuous on onepages. [NEW] Added a feature to config an array of fields, regex replacements, and what to replace then with. This sprouted from wanting to hide CAE numbers in composer and publisher fields in Warner Chappell. [NEW] Set export on users search to export what's displayed not just the full list. [FIX] Updated the users admin search to fix a SQL bug on search. [NEW] Cuesheet tweaks galore, totally new version. [NEW] Setup projects area to split sections for cuesheets, history/activity, playlists, all. This can be changed to only the old version with a config.php flag define( 'SEPARATE_CUESHEETS_PROJECTS', true ); // sets up projects area with cuesheets and projects in different sections. [NEW] Setup an auto sense if you're on mobile / ipad, then redirect to a config'ed URL constant. [NEW] PDF export of playlist contents. [1.4.1] [NEW] Sorting Quicksearch playlist options alphabetically. [FIX] Quicksearch was not populating in IE, was a JS issue with var declaration, fixed. [FIX] Initially saved searches were not clickable until you reloading the page, now works as expected. [FIX] OnePage columns are no longer attached to your browse display, they sort, they do not blank content when removed, if you remove a column, it fully removes, Artwork displays whether you have artwork displayed in your browse area or not. [NEW] Added a config var allowing you to change the field displaying for playlists, PLAYLISTS_ITEM_DISPLAY_FIELD, specify any field and that's what displays as your project->playlist entry. [NEW] Added ability to make quicksearches, wordgrid sets, home pages role specific. [NEW] Added Topics area, much like quicksearch but on the left-hand side. [NEW] Made projects area slider go from very top to very bottom of content area instead of the little handle before. [NEW] Made a help overlay with sections, still tweaking. [NEW] Added delete button to gear menu on playlists / cuesheets. [NEW] Added checkbox for onepage -> pitches area for registering with an external application. Mainly for Ole to register their pitches with their third party system named "conductor" but useful for others as well, contained in a special version of the pitches layout, used only for Ole now, but perhaps more later. [2012-08-01 : 1.4] [1.4.1] Redirect to another URL via redirect config.php value now logs you out as well. Remote Login, allowing one to create a form on your site and login directly from there instead of linking to a login page. Auto assignment to group by country upon registration. Auto assignment to sales person by country upon registration. Playlist management (add / delete / move) via the API allowing remove viewing and playing of assets within one's playlist. Browse tab including date, time and library filters on the right-hand side as another tab beside "Metadata". Viewing and playing of album art, waveforms and tracks remotely via the API. Libraries homepage widget, lists all libraries by a clickable logo bringing up all tracks. Registration email customization. OnePage email customization. Rates grid on cuesheet and printable license PDF. [NEW] Added filter by user in the reports area. Searches by company / name / email. [NEW] Added and / or option in reports area on conditions. [NEW] Put the project pane focus to the projects pane if not already there when adding a track. [NEW] Added selective search, no admin panel yet but functions well on manual config. [FIX] Set reports to not pull list of all users into memory when running initially, only pulls relevant users or no users on an all users report. [FIX] Users list on a report was always all users, now selects proper user. [NEW] You can set in {root}/config/config.php a constant SEND_INSTANT_REG_EMAIL to true to send an email upon instant registrations. This email and its textual counterpart are editable in: app/templates/email/registration_instant_email_html.tpl and registration_instant_email_text.tpl [NEW] Within {root}/config/config.php you can set define('NO_EMAIL_PLAYLIST', true) to eliminate the emailable playlist from coming up when you click the @ symbol in the projects area. [FIX] Put back main body head custom HTML in cuesheet allowing you to customize the feel properly. [NEW] Added "myhome" class (case sensitive) that you can add to custom HTML elements, this takes you to the home screen. [NEW] Public search function, coming in from an external site, takes you directly to the results instead of opening the home screen the running the results. [2012-03-06 : 1.3.2] [FIX] Locked down preferences update for public user, there was still an area where one could change these settings, not dangerously as only the "show downloadable tracks only" and layout changes such as album view and column selections could be changed, but this means one could change this with a little FireBug poking around. [FIX] See only downloadable tracks was not saving or effectively working at all on search results. [NEW] Added validation on many more fields in registration. [NEW] Added regions dropdowns for UK and USA or a free-form text field if not UK or the USA. Added server-side validation. [NEW] Set Guest user group and role fields editable allowing one's default profile assignment for new users to have a default role or group. [NEW] Added "registering" checkbox on a user account so you can explicitly uncheck a user as registering as an admin. [NEW] Added inbox feature and can send playlists to another user's email address by email. [NEW] Set project->inbox() function to auto-create an inbox if not available. [FIX] Adding search criteria was dropping " { } [ ] etc. invalid chars. Edited it to remove these chars on save, only removes in name not actual search criteria. [NEW] Added ability to add config.php var to determine which fields are used for missing track lookup. [NEW] Browse tab added. [NEW] Email cuesheets, emails PDF file. [NEW] Can configure order of main project sections via config constant: define( 'PROJECT_SECTIONS_ORDER', '["special","shared","playlists","sources"]'); [NEW] Added language file, building it as needed to swap text. [NEW] Replaced all "OnePage" titles with ability to swap with language file entry (note "one_page" in project file or occurrence of "OnePage") [NEW] Full user address fields in user, profile and registration [FIX] Removed lock on confirm password / password entry in profile, was not allowing selection in IE. [CHANGE] Removed alter preventing invalid HTML from being saved in admin areas where HTML is saved, opening Pandora's box I know but was becoming a huge support issue stopping people and parsing was not handling Javascript insertions well for items such as Google Analytics. Warning is still there in the form of a red highlight but does not stop you from saving anymore. [NEW] Additional search options on user page of role and country. [CHANGE] Added and shuffled order of fields in users window display. [NEW] Locked down interface changes for a public user. [NEW] Added public login screen when registered features are clicked by public user. [NEW] When a public user logs in via login dialog popping up on request of a registered feature (such as layout display or columns selection) your search kicks off again as the logged in user to get you back to where you were previously in your search. [NEW] Added browse tab. [NEW] Added config.php toggle to remove browse tab: define( 'STATIC_SEARCH_LIBRARIES_ENABLED', TRUE ); [NEW] Auto-hide WordGrid when other areas are clicked like other dialogs. [NEW] Browse and advanced search library displays now adhere to permissions for the currently logged in user. [NEW] Missing file lookup, when track is missing a search on FielName and TrackTitle kicks off on user's request. If track was missing from Playlist system requests if you would also like to move this from your playlist. [NEW] Search for missing track is configurable, you can specify the tracks used for looking up a missing track via config.php: define( 'MISSING_ASSET_AUTO_SEARCH_FIELDS', 'Filename,TrackTitle' ); Default is FileName,TrackTitle [NEW] Config var for number of users in the aamin->users list. ADMIM_USERS_LIST_DISPLAY_COUNT [NEW] Can now specify multiple public users, allowing separate permission sets per user. Accessible by: http://SITE NAME HERE/login/public?public=USER NAME OF PUBLIC USER HERE, not specifying public user will still work so http://SITE HERE/login/public , but only if you have only one public user. [NEW] Added template file for onepage, and onepage text version. [NEW] Added template for register email. [NEW] Added clean 404 page instead of server error. [NEW] Made 404 customizable in ROOT/app/templates/system/404.tpl [NEW] Formatted up validation page on registration to display cleaner with more fitting design. [NEW] Added config in config.php that changes the location the logout link goes to: CUSTOM_LOGOUT_REDIRECT [NEW] Can set the delete warning on any project item to display a double warning via config.php var: DOUBLE_PROJECT_DELETE_WARNING [NEW] Can configure registration to prevent duplicate emails (not related to the username) from registering again via constant: REGISTER_ON_DUPE_EMAILS = TRUE Message is displayed if someone attempts to register again with the same user.email field. [NEW] Put "view item" on playlists and cuesheets pop up window instead of just double clicking them which is still available. [NEW] Created /api/company service for company data. [FIX] Altered user profile view in admin area to scroll within the main scroll area so you don't have to accidentally close the window attempting to scroll down. What was happening before was in order to get tot he fields below the screen horizon you had to double-finger scroll on a Mac (not available on a PC) or tab down the fields instead of using the far right-hand scroll bar to scroll down, which closed the user propup window and made it hard to edit all user data. So a scroll bar within the popup user box itself was added. [2010-08-06 : VERSION] [NEW] Message when user is adding a duplicate track to a playlist, add track on "ok", add only non-dupe tracks on "cancel". [FIX] OnePage fields were not displaying, fixed. [FIX] OnePage could not send, erroring out with page not found. [2010-07-21 : VERSION SVN 598] [FIXED] Sending an Email from the OnePage in FireFox gives a "404 Page Not Found" error. [2010-07-15 : VERSION SVN 593] [FIXED] MusicMiner 1.2.0 had a bug in the conversion of permission structures from 1.1.9.x to 1.2.x versions. Note: To actually restore the mis-converted permissions you have to import the old `perms` table into the new `mm_admin` database. When the upgrade runs, if it sees a `perms` table, it will redo the conversion transferring the `perms`.`assets` and `perms`.`columns` fields over to the `settings`.`p_assets` and `settings`.`p_columns` fields. [2010-07-14 : VERSION, SVN 591] [NEW] A housekeeping process runs daily to delete stale database cache tables. [FIXED] In Firefox the '&' and the '(' are filtered from the Search box. [FIXED] Firefox 3.6 breaks browser detection - this update fixes it. (This bug could potentially cause other bugs in Firefox browsers.) [FIXED] The Summary widget allows setting to certain columns (i.e. Database, Relevance) which should not be allowed and which cause database errors when selected. [CHANGED] Name field now does not have to be unique. It used to be that the Name field of each user had to be unique. This has been changed to allow multiple logins with the same Name. (The Username field still as to be unique.) [2010-07-13 : VERSION, SVN 586] [FIXED] QuickTime player now works in all Windows browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) that were causing it trouble before. [FIXED] Player choice (Flash, QuickTime, or Universal) not being respected. [FIXED] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: viewPagination in /Library/WebServer/MusicMiner/app/views/tracks.tpl on line 42. [FIXED] Auditioning a track (usually from a Playlist) that has otherwise been deleted from the Soundminer database throws a Record Not Found error. [FIXED] The database JOIN logic was incorrect for multi-table joins possibly causing sporadic bugs. [FIXED] Any user who is an Administrator by way of inherited permissions but who does not have any Administrator permissions explicitly granted to will not have access to the Admin page. [FIXED] Fixed a minor bug in the mouse event handling of the drag-n-drop code. [CHANGED] By default the 'OnePage' is not displayed to make room for custom logos. [2010-07-08 : VERSION 1.2.4, SVN 584] [NEW] Added systems admin control tab for system info. [NEW] Added new "universal" player allowing an auto detection to WMP for PC and QT for Mac. [2010-07-03 : VERSION, SVN 578] [FIXED] Searches on All Sources with more than 30 databases fail with an "Invalid JOSN" error. [FIXED] MM now takes advantage of improved keyboard event handling in WebKit 525+ (Safari 5 & Chrome). [FIXED] Adding a Playlist, Cuesheet, or Folder to a CLOSED selected folder displays the edit box at the top of the Project area. Now the new parent folder opens automatically. [2010-07-02 : VERSION, SVN 577] [FIXED] Clicking a proxy in Admin | Databases | Proxies to edit it's settings only works for the first proxy clicked and then doesn't register any different selection. [FIXED] If you changed the sort order of returned search results they revert to their prior order as soon as you click to view another page of results. [CHANGED] Changing the sort order of the search results automatically returns you to first page of results (in addition to reordering). [2010-07-01 : VERSION, SVN 576] [FIXED] On systems with "Admin | Site | Enable All Sources search option" disabled clicking the Home button after selecting a folder or playlist as the source causes a database error. [FIXED] The first column in the cuesheet table is being overwritten with incrementing integers. [FIXED] The Metadata Panel does not update to show the selected track when you first click the Metadata page or when clicking the Info button on the Player if the Metadata page was initially hidden. [FIXED] When a MusicMiner session has been idle long enough that the server auto-logs a user out, trying to perform actions in the interface returns {"command":"redirect","location":"\/login"}, whereas it should redirect the user to log back in. [2010-06-18 : VERSION, SVN 574] [FIXED] Folders and playlists in the Shared area are missing for users some users and not others. [FIXED] New playlists don't display the OnePage "gear" button until the page is refreshed. [2010-06-16 : VERSION, SVN 571] [FIXED] Searches involving complex sorting logic fail with an "Invalid JSON" error. [CHANGED] The OnePage "gear" button now displays when playlist is closed as well as open. [2010-06-16 : VERSION, SVN 570] [NEW] OnePage sharable playlists. [FIXED] Cleared `mm_admin`.`results` table to reset search results cache. [FIXED] Attempting to save changes in a Cue Sheet doesn't work - it just returns unchanged. [FIXED] Some users experience folders and playlists which do not maintain their last state - opened/closed. [FIXED] Attempting to open some folders displays "Loading..." momentarily and folder slams shut. [2010-05-20 : VERSION] [FIXED] The background process code does not always locate the php executable. [FIXED] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Settings::displayAssetsDef() in /Library/WebServer/MusicMiner/app/models/settings_model.php on line 721. [FIXED] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 13 in /Library/WebServer/MusicMiner/app/misc/parser.php on line 184. [2010-05-18 : VERSION, SVN 569] [NEW] Search Suggest. - Suggest settings - allow custom columns, show indexing status (allow cancel), show last indexed - IE GUI working. [NEW] OnePage sharable playlists: added Link to playlist and custom fields. [2010-05-10 : VERSION 1.2.3, SVN 568] [NEW] OnePage sharable playlists. [NEW] Google Chrome Support. [FIXED] Playlists and Cue Sheets just added aren't styled in the new styling from 1.2.2 until refreshing. [FIXED] PHP error messages could corrupt CSS or Javascript output. [FIXED] HTTP Content-Type charset is now explicitly set to "utf-8" for better reliability with foreign languages and characters. [FIXED] On the Admin | Home page trying to add a new Widget popups up a message of "h". Also changed "Add:" to "Drag:" to better indicate how to add new Widgets. [FIXED] Better CLI detection and security for background processes (USER_AGENT reliance unsafe). [FIXED] Minor internal MySQL warnings when running a search. [2010-04-08 : VERSION 1.2.2, SVN 565] [NEW] New Playlist styling in the project panel. [NEW] Tracks can be reordered in playlists and cue sheets from the project panel by dragging them into a new position. [FIXED] IE: Attempting to download assets throws an error and the download does not commence. [FIXED] IE7: Javascript error causes interface to be unusable. [FIXED] IE7: All the buttons surrounding the search box erroneously display text over the images. [2010-04-05 : VERSION, SVN 565] [FIXED] Flash player auditions return a Validation Error. [FIXED] The databases displayed under in the Sources lists do not match those permitted for the user. [2010-04-05 : VERSION 1.2.1, SVN 563] [FIXED] CRITICAL: After a user downloads an asset the original asset might be deleted! Could affect MM and MM users. [NEW] HTTP compression is enabled for Apache 2.x, via the DEFLATE module, for browsers that support it. This can noticeably speedup page-load and request/response times and reduce network traffic. [NEW] A housekeeping process runs daily to remove unused database tables and delete old cached items. [CHANGED] Improved search query engine to better interpret words with hyphens (-), slashes (/), apostrophes ('), underscores (_), periods (.), and at symbols (@). [FIXED] QuickTime player sometimes takes much too long to begin playback. Discovered QT bug in how it requests files from the server that may also be responsible for other odd QT playback inconsistencies. Created a workaround. [FIXED] Copying a folder, playlist, or tracks in the Project panel causes dialogs to popup with the message "track". [FIXED] "Remember me on this computer" feature always activated even when never selected. [FIXED] Disabling (or enabling) a user from the Admin | Users page does not actually change the setting. [FIXED] Users attempting to complete their registration get an error: "expired" is not a property or method of class "UsersModel" or field not read from database. [FIXED] The Email button is missing for all users but the Admin user. [FIXED] The table generated for Tabular PDF Format cue sheets looks terrible in certain column configurations. (Fixed with an improved layout algorithm.) [FIXED] X-Sendfile feature fails for ZIP'd downloads because the ZIP file is deleted before Apache can get to it. [FIXED] Snow Leopard: In php.ini "mysql.default_port =" is blank by default causing connection problems with external MySQL servers. The installer now sets this to "3306"; [FIXED] Cuesheet defaults with an Original Airdate of "December 31, 1969" instead of today's date. [FIXED] The word "administrator" is misspelled in a few error messages. [FIXED] The MIME type reported by the server for artwork images was image/jpg when it should be image/png. No known bad effects reported. [2010-03-04 : VERSION, SVN 558] [FIXED] Upgrade screen now allows changing of MySQL installation user. [2010-02-25 : VERSION] [NEW] Leopard / Snow Leopard: MusicMiner now supports (and installs) Apache 2's X-Sendfile extension which can reduce server load on large downloads. [FIXED] Snow Leopard: The native PHP installed does not include a Zip library making zipped downloads fail. Installer now adds a zip extension to PHP. [2010-02-20 : VERSION] [FIXED] Unnecessary database activity while logging auditions can add significant delays to playback in certain cases. [2010-02-18 : VERSION, SVN 556] [NEW] Much shorter playback delay for auditioning in both Universal Player and Flash Player. [2010-02-17 : VERSION, SVN 554] [NEW] Return of the Flash Player (MP3) option for audition playback - now improved with artwork and metadata panel. [FIXED] Player: In Safari 4 the first track auditioned doesn't automatically begin playing. [FIXED] Player: Gave priority to audio loading over metadata, artwork, and waveform. [FIXED] Player: Clicking the Add Tracks button in the player could result in multiple entries of the same track being added to the playlist. [FIXED] Results: More efficient loading of search results GUI code. [FIXED] The text filter in Admin | Users doesn't work. [FIXED] Clicking Save Changes in the User Preference box returns an error. [2010-02-09 : VERSION, SVN 552] [FIXED] When a user attempts to register (instant registration) the a database error of "Column 'updated_by' cannot be null". [FIXED] In Admin | Styles when you click on a checkbox to create an alternative to the default, the wrong text field becomes editable. [FIXED] IE: Clicking on the rows in the results table could take up to a few seconds to register the selection. [2010-02-04 : VERSION, SVN 550] [NEW] MusicMiner now supports Artwork in more formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, WBMP, and GD2. [FIXED] Folders and playlists created for newly created users don't accept content. [2010-02-01 : VERSION, SVN 548] [CHANGED] Removed multi-group features to create a stable Universal Player release that does not require the mult-group complexities. [NEW] Installation can be set to NOT adjust MySQL, PHP, and/or Apache settings through the MusicMiner/config/install_config file. [FIXED] Users are denied audition and download access to tracks even though they have been granted proper proper asset permissions. [FIXED] Audition and download time permission comparisons are now case-insensitive to match the case-insensitive application of permissions during searching. [FIXED] More robust cache invalidation for Artwork and Waveforms such that updates no longer require clearing the server-side cache (client-side cache may still need to be cleared). [FIXED] Searching for "q" returns results with the "" HTML tag polluting the metadata in the results pane. [FIXED] Fixed spelling of "accessible" and "inaccessible" in multiple places. [2009-12-14 : VERSION, SVN 545] [FIXED] Certain Asset Permission configurations cause an error when trying to open the user for editing in Admin | Users. (_displayableAssetsEnt() and _displayableAssetsDef() functions renamed.) [FIXED] Removed now inapplicable option "Enable categories list on home screen" from Admin | Site | Options. Home page is customizable via Admin | Home. [FIXED] Accessing MM from an external IP address could cause searches that otherwise take less than a second to take 30+ seconds to complete while PHP attempted to resolve the unknown remote host name. IP [FIXED] Certain server configurations involving proxies cause the wrong remote IP address (the proxy server's) to be logged. [2009-12-11 : VERSION, SVN 543] [FIXED] Saving Changes on Asset Permissions that have any permission set at the Library level or deeper gives an error: "Logic Error: = 3." [FIXED] PHPMailer can not find it's language file for error message generation. [CHANGED] Eliminated redundant reads of the `site` dabatase table. [2009-12-07 : VERSION, SVN 540] [NEW] Support for PHP 5.3.0. [NEW] Support for Mac OS X Snow Leopard / Server. [FIXED] http://localhost fails on initial install with a DB Access Denied error. [FIXED] Made Browscap.php (server browser detection) compatible with PHP 5.3.0. [FIXED] Unable to add new widgets to customize the home page under Admin | Home. [CHANGED] Updated php_browsecap.ini to detect newer web browsers. [2009-11-25 : VERSION] [NEW] Greater HTML customization of the Main and Admin pages via Admin | HTML. [FIXED] Some absolute URLs resolved as http://smc_host/... erroneously. Bug introduced in 1.2.0. [FIXED] Emailed playlist diplaying with name "Array" and no content. Bug introduced in 1.2.0. [FIXED] Attempting to create a new Playlist, Cuesheet, or Folder without first selecting a parent folder fails. Bug introduced in 1.2.0. [2009-11-20 : VERSION] [NEW] Project folders load on-demand to reduce server workload and increase page load times. [FIXED] Incomplete implementation of Element.setClassPrefixed(). [FIXED] Error thrown when expanding track grouping in results pane ("tracks_columns_user unknown property"). [FIXED] PHP Notice: Undefined index: Artwork in /Users/Jesse/Projects/MusicMiner/source/app/models/settings_model.php on line 324. [FIXED] PHP Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /Users/Jesse/Projects/MusicMiner/source/app/models/results_model.php on line 1070. [FIXED] PHP 5.3.0: session.php (Error: Multiple static modifiers are not allowed). [FIXED] PHP 5.3.0: lcfirst() implemented in PHP 5.3.0 so added function_exists() conditional around definition in basics.php. [CHANGED] Improved internal URL routing to prepare for future Web API interface and improved AJAX API. [CHANGED] Encrypted with SourceGuardian 8.0 now. [2009-11-13 : VERSION] [NEW] A user can be assigned to multiple groups with distinct permissions and shared project folders per group. [FIXED] Return of missing Group folders that disappeared with 1.2.0. [FIXED] Javascript error when clicking the Browse button, unknown method "replaceClassPrefixed". [FIXED] Removed unused prototype.js and behaviour.js files. [FIXED] Improved popup menu styling and mouse/keyboard interaction. [2009-11-10 : VERSION] [FIXED] If the "Allow persistent logins" feature is disabled the login page fails to submit at all. [FIXED] Clicking the Send Email button on the Forgot Password page gives a database error. [CHANGED] "Forgotten your password?" to "Forgot your password?" [2009-11-10 : VERSION 1.2.0, SVN 538] [NEW] Universal QuickTime Player. [NEW] The Home Page is customizable with the new Widgets designer. [NEW] Migrated the underlying Javascript framework to MooTools. [NEW] Javascript files are bundled together and cached for faster page load times. [NEW] CSS files are bundled together and cached for faster page load times. [NEW] Available download formats can be enabled/disabled by base, group, role, or user. [NEW] Admin can disable the Email Playlist feature by base, group, or user. [NEW] User accounts can be setup with expiration dates using a popup date-picker component. -- ticket 00000060 [NEW] Users table allows filtering user by enabled/disabled/registering statuses and sorting by the column headers. [NEW] Install page includes an Advanced option of attaching to an existing MusicMiner database. [CHANGED] Relaid out the Admin | HTML page. [CHANGED] Increased PHP script memory limit from 128 MB to 256 MB to accomodate larger libaries. Added configuration option to config.php to make this client adjustable. [CHANGED] Simplification of Proxies settings - renamed Formats. [NEW] Improvements to the Admin | Users page to allow [FIXED] Saved searches do not copy along with their parent folder when the parent folder is copied. [FIXED] Creating new users and updating existing users in the Admin | Users section does not restrict the Name and Username to being unique. [FIXED] Firefox: "Warning: XUL box for span element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. This can often be fixed by replacing "display: -moz-inline-box" with "display: -moz-inline-box; display: inline-block"." [FIXED] Firefox: "Warning: Error in parsing value for property 'display'. Declaration dropped." [FIXED] The Login Page did not validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict. [FIXED] Relocated the "MusicMiner/app/libs" folder to "MusicMiner/libs" and now leave "phpmailer" uncompressed to fulfill licensing requirements. [CHANGED] Removed unused images from the "MusicMiner/app/html/img" folder. [NEW] The Login page HTML customization now displays on the Forgot Password and Register pages. [FIXED] When downloading an asset, PHP warnings, errors, or debug messages occuring (in the rare cases) pollute the download image making it download as an unusable *.htm file. [CHANGED] On the Login page, changed "I forgot my password" to "Forgotten your password?". [CHANGED] On the Login page, updated Recommended Browser list and removed Preferred Browser references. [CHANGED] On the Login page, removed copyright notice and added the "Powered by" link. [CHANGED] On the Login page, removed software version strings. Displayable by adding "?version=1" to the end of the login URL. [CHANGED] On the Login page, the password bullets now do not disappear when the user logs in. [CHANGED] On the Email Playlist page, made the title of the Playlist match the selected playlist or folder. [NEW] Complete rewrite of permission and settings code to facilite settings inheritence and increase performance of existing permission scheme. [CHANGED] Added "Powered by Soundminer" link to Admin header area. [CHANGED] Upgrade code now references actual database version instead of last installed version. [CHANGED] Removed unused columns from `users` table. Removed unused "Search Mode" setting from User Preferences. [CHANGED] Switched to using PHP's built-in JSON encoder/decoder for improved performance. [2009-09-28 : VERSION, SVN 530] [FIXED] PHP Notice in the inflector code when a user searches with certain capitalized english words, such as: THE, THROUGH, MY, etc. [FIXED] PHP Warnings about shared memory failures related to the Download dialog operation. [FIXED] "PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /../results_model.php" when performing a search that finds to matches. [FIXED] "PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /../elem_browse.tpl on line x" when performing a search that finds no matches. [FIXED] "PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 13 in /../parser.php on line x" when performing searches using parentheses. Also clickable version of the search text does not always format correctly. [FIXED] "PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /../download_ctrl.php on line x." [FIXED] New users can be created with 4 character-lengthed passwords but then in the Preferences dialog and the User settings dialog changing the password required 6 characters minimum. Fixed to allow 4 characters. [CHANGED] Increased default allowed PHP memory limit from 512 MB to 1024 MB to better accommodate large databases. [2009-08-18 : VERSION, SVN 524] [NEW] Cuesheets now support Landscape layout to better accommodate fields with lots of content. [FIXED] The cuesheet PDF page break bug fix in created a bug where cue fields mis-aligned horizontally across the tabular format. [FIXED] IE: The conditional CSS on main page is constructed with incorrect syntax. [FIXED] With "Randomize other columns" selected under Admin | Base | Sorting search result pages within the same search set would come up in a different order each the user returned to the same page of results. [FIXED] Valid attempted auditions and downloads can fail giving the user an "Access to audition the requested file has been denied" or similar error when the metadata in the Library, CDTitle, or Filename fields is entered inconsisently in different letter cases (i.e. uppercase and lowercase letters). [FIXED] Downloading tracks generates an unseen internal PHP error and PHP warning. [2009-07-13 : VERSION, SVN 518] [NEW] An Export feature has been added to the Admin | Users page to export the entire users dabatase as a CSV file that can be opened in Excel. [NEW] Exposed more site-wide user interface customizability options under Admin | Site | Options. [FIXED] Auditioning a track from the Project tree uses an archived FilePath to find the file which fails if the file has been moved even if the `metadata` record is properly updated. [FIXED] A database set by default to "inaccessible" still shows up in the Sources list if the Asset Permission for that database is saved with the node expanded and the sub-node settings all "default". Saving Asset Permissions now auto-collapses empty sub-nodes before saving to avoid confusion. [CHANGED] Increased default allowed PHP memory limit from 128 MB to 512 MB to better accommodate large databases. [2009-06-26 : VERSION, SVN 512] [NEW] Added a Site Description and Site Keywords field to Admin | Site | Options settings to better describe your site to search engines. [FIXED] Generating a report with the Design opened fails to include all Groups in the report or generates a Database Error. [FIXED] Clicking on the Meta Browse button from the Home screen when it isn't already highlighted opens as Search All with wrong Source and without the Meta Browser opening. [FIXED] Updated and fixed the pluralizaton engine to better match plural versions of search terms - i.e. 'ox' -> 'oxen' or 'person' -> 'people'. [FIXED] Minor internal PHP Notice that occurs during upgrades if the PHP_X constants are already defined in the users MusicMiner/config/config.php file. [FIXED] Minor internal Javascript error when opening Proxy Settings. [FIXED] Minor internal HTML error of extra tag on Admin | Users page. [FIXED] Cleaned up HTML code on the Login and Forgot Password pages to make them validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict. [CHANGED] Removed the "Preferred Browser" link on the Login page. [2009-05-22 : VERSION, SVN 501] [FIXED] Attempting to download a Folder in the Project panel from non-Admin accounts throws a database error. [FIXED] IE: Drag-n-copy doesn't work in IE. Either performs a move or throws an error. [2009-05-11 : VERSION, SVN 496] [NEW] Internet Explorer 8 support. [FIXED] IE: Version fixed an auditioning bug with the QT Player and introduced a bug with the Flash Player where the QT Player replaces it on auditions. [FIXED] IE: A blank named playlist or track item in the Project panel could cause an exception to be thrown. [CHANGED] Updated the default browser.ini for better server-side web browser detection. [2009-05-04 : VERSION, SVN 491] [NEW] Added a Job # field to Cuesheets. [2009-04-25 : VERSION, SVN 485] [FIXED] After the first page break in Cuesheet PDF reports each field ends up scattered across a new page. [FIXED] IE7: The play, add track, and download buttons in the results table get squished and overlapped by the adjacent column when there are too many columns to fit fully without scrolling. [NEW] Registering users are now displayed in the Admin | Users page (in orange color) so that the admin can enable, delete, or set permissions. [2009-04-16 : VERSION, SVN 478] [FIXED] The Register form does not allow some email address characters to be used as Usernames whereas they make perfectly valid usernames. [FIXED] Intermittent PHP errors and warnings messages sometimes corrupt auditioned and downloaded files where they would otherwise be fine. [2009-03-29 : VERSION, SVN 474] [FIXED] Installer improperly changes Apache's DocumentRoot on Server systems to "/Library/WebServer/Documents". [FIXED] Databases with improperly formatted ChannelLayout fields show up are "mismatched" by the Proxy Path algorithm. [FIXED] The Group and Role drop boxes in the User dialog boxes are not in alphabetical order. [FIXED] IE7: Auditioning a track with the QT Player works the first time and then crashes when attempting to audition a second track. [2009-03-11 : VERSION 1.1.9, SVN 464] [NEW] Added Help button to the Main Page which opens a custom help page provided by Admin. [NEW] Added option to skip Home Page on login. [2009-03-04 : VERSION, SVN 457] [NEW] Added access to the Company field attached to all user accounts. Added setting to require it be filled in at time of registration. Added to reporting. [FIXED] The Forgot Password page displayed with the input box region stretched across the page instead of centered. [2009-03-03 : VERSION 1.1.8, SVN 454] [NEW] Added permission to allow/deny ability to Email Playlists. [CHANGED] Split the User drop down list into Active Users and Deleted Users to selections easier. [2009-02-18 : VERSION, SVN 442] [FIXED] Clicking on a live link that contains a "]" character (and possibly other special characters) throws off the parser because the text is not automatically quoted and escaped as a literal string. [2009-02-09 : VERSION, SVN 430] [FIXED] Downloading multiple files at once as a Zipped bundle logs only one of the files as downloaded multiple times. [CHANGED] Installer runs as "root" whereas it used to run as "Administrator". [2009-01-14 : VERSION 1.1.6, SVN 413] [NEW] The title of the web site displayed in the web browser's title bar now matches the Site Name entered in Admin | Site | Options. [NEW] Installer now sets up Allow Overrides = All in Apache on Tiger Server and Leopard Server systems. [NEW] Installer now sets the MySQL socket location consistently for the OS, MySQL, and PHP in most configurations. [FIXED] Installer fails to setup Apache, and thus MusicMiner, to run as the installing user on Leopard Server (it does on other OS's) to resolve permission issues accessing assets. [FIXED] Installing 1.1.5 fresh with a database suffix wipes out any existing `mm_admin` and fails to create `mm__admin`. [CHANGED] Installer configures MySQL with "max_allowed_packet = 64M" and "ft_stopword_file = /etc/stopwords.txt" (used to be "16M" and "stopwords.txt" before). [2008-12-31 : VERSION 1.1.5, SVN 403] [NEW] The link behavior of metadata fields can now be customized under Admin | Columns to make each field not linkable, linkable by the full field, linkable by each word in the field. [FIXED] Installations and upgrades do not recognize http://localhost as a valid upgrade machine on Leopard systems (forcing the use of for installs and upgrades). [FIXED] Adding tracks to playlists or cuesheet would result in the progress icon spinning indefinitely until a refresh would show the tracks successfully added. Only occurs with MusicMiner databases not names `mm_admin`. [FIXED] Installing MusicMiner to a database name other than `mm_admin` puts the wrong schema name in `schema`.`schema`. [FIXED] Clicking the "Update" button for the Metadata Browser ("eye" icon) before it finishes loading throws an error. [FIXED] Server errors occurring when adding a track to a playlist or cuesheet are not being reported to the user. [CHANGED] Removed copyright notice from Home page and added "Powered by Soundminer" link to header area. -- ticket 00000063 [CHANGED] Simplified SQL upgrade process - removed %mm_admin% construct and replaced upgrade_1-1-4_to_1-1-5.sql construct with upgrade_1.1.5.sql [CHANGED] Added a database flag to not display the Volume field with the CDTitle field under Album covers in the Album View. [2008-12-01 : VERSION 1.1.4, SVN 385] [FIXED] Login page logos that are wider than the login box would left align with the box instead of properly centering. [FIXED] Expanding the metadata panel wider than 300 pixels causes the Artwork image to stretch and distort. [FIXED] Artwork column displays too wide in some browsers with lots of extra cell padding to the right of the image. [FIXED] Restored Cancel capability (removed n 1.1.3 to fix a system lock up bug) to Copy to Server-Side Share download operation. [FIXED] Flash Player displays mispelled message, "No Wavform Available". [FIXED] Flash Player can now properly parse the SampleRate and TotalFrames fields from both variations of Soundminer's embedded metadata. [2008-11-10 : VERSION 1.1.3, SVN 369] [FIXED] Downloads sometimes hang waiting, unnecessarily, for synchronization semaphore to release. [2008-11-05 : VERSION 1.1.2, SVN 363] [NEW] Added basic display handling for the new Lyrics column. [CHANGED] Swapped position of Admin/Logout and Main/Logout links to put Logout on the outside. [CHANGED] New oversized search lock icon on the main page. [FIXED] Left some debug code in the login authentication routine such that failed authentication returned a PHP error. [FIXED] Database errors installing and upgrading systems with suffix-named musicminer databases. [IP] Added the Amazon S3 as a storage option for asset proxies. [2008-10-23 : VERSION 1.1.1, SVN 358] [NEW] Added the Copy to Server-Side Share download option to the Download Manager. Admin can enable this option under Admin | Site | Options. [NEW] Added the "Enable All Sources search option" option to Admin | Site | Options to allow disabling of All Sources. -- ticket 00000054 [NEW] Added the "Reset user's sort order on new search" option to Admin | Site | Options to give Admin more control over search results. [FIXED] The Group folder name under the SHARED section of the Project Tree always shows New Group even when the group name is different. -- ticket 00000052 [FIXED] Cuesheet field renames don't carry over to the Export Text and Generate PDF features. [2008-10-14 : VERSION 1.1.0, SVN 354] [NEW] Which cue fields are displayed and reported in the Cuesheet feature can be customized by the administrator. [NEW] Cuesheet header labels can be renamed to match the client's industry. [NEW] Cuesheet PDF reports can be customized with a new format choice, vertical, added to the existing tabular format. [NEW] Dragging a Project item close to the top or bottom edge of the Project pane will auto-scroll the content to facilitate the drag-n-drop. [FIXED] The cuesheet Total Time calculation isn't computed on intial page display - only after altering one of the Time inputs. [CHANGED] Swapped the positions of the Display and Column columns under the Admin | Columns tab. [2008-09-30 : VERSION 1.0.6, SVN 342] [FIXED] The logging of auditioned and downloaded tracks does not fill in the new `db_id` and `track_id` fields of `log_downloads` so that they don't appear in the Auditioned and Downloaded playlists. [FIXED] Sorting by a results column with Group mode on when the columns doesn't exist in the `metadata` table throws a database exception. [2008-09-27 : VERSION 1.0.5, SVN 337] [NEW] Search: Added user_id, event index to `log` table to speed up searches on Auditioned and Downloaded playlists. [FIXED] Search: Major sorting algorithm bug that results in custom sorted fields being sorted with new values at the top of the previously set sort order. [FIXED] Browser: In the metadata browser, dragging a box with already filtered results to the first position leaves the results still filtered effectively hiding valid summary values. [FIXED] Browser: In the metadata browser in Safari, adding a box by clicking the + button duplicates the clicked box but fails to set the drop down box's value leaving it to default to the first in the list (usually "Album"). [FIXED] Browser: Showing and hiding the metadata browser in Firefox leaves scroll bars displaying through the results area after the browser is closed. [FIXED] Project: Deleting a folder deletes everything it contains except for saved searches - which should also be deleted. [FIXED] Project: User is able to delete the PLAYLIST folder and the SHARED root folders which is not supposed to be possible. [FIXED] Project: Can not drag-n-drop anything into a root folder in the SHARED tree. [FIXED] Project: Can not drag-n-drop anything directly into the root PLAYLIST folder, has to be to one of it's children. [FIXED] Project: JavaScript errors logged when trying to drag-n-drop the PLAYLIST folder or a SHARED root folder, both which are not possible. [FIXED] Clicking the vertical bar "|" between results page links throws the error: "Validation Error Parameter "page" with value of | must be a valid integer." [FIXED] Both NULL and "" values are represented separately as under the Admin | Base | Sorting tab. [CHANGED] Project: The auto-folder-expand feature when you hover the mouse over a folder during drag-n-drop operations is less sensitive and more robust. [CHANGED] Removed some legacy `weights` code and database structure. [2008-09-21 : VERSION 1.0.4, SVN 332] [FIXED] Did some minor database reorganizations and optimizations to address dead lock issues in 1.0.x versions. [FIXED] Double-clicking the PLAYLISTS item in the project tree is supposed to select it as Source but does not. [FIXED] Attempting to play a custom cue from the Project tree generates JavaScript errors. [FIXED] Copying tracks between playlists and cuesheets causes serious database integrity issues (`asset_id` = 0) if a copied track has been previously removed from the original `metadata` table from which it originated. [FIXED] Copying, moving, or adding tracks to an empty cuesheet could result in the misnumbering of cue numbers starting at a value other than 1. [2008-09-15 : VERSION 1.0.3, SVN 328] [NEW] Added Sender field for server-originated emails and a global Sender field for user-originated emails to enable most complex email exchange setups. [CHANGED] Removed PHP Mail, Qmail, and Sendmail from Email Server settings. [FIXED] Hyphenated search terms, such as "hard-hitting", are interpreted incorrectly due to a MySQL bug and a minor MM inflection bug. Fixed MM bug and designed workaround to MySQL bug. [FIXED] On Cue Sheet page getting an exception "Error: 'length' is null or not an object" when trying to save changes or generate a PDF from the cue sheet using IE7. [FIXED] Clicking the "Audition" or "Type" column headers under the Databases tab throw errors. [2008-09-08 : VERSION 1.0.2, SVN 317] [CHANGED] Did a little de-kludging of JavaScript and PHP code. [CHANGED] Relocated code files to clean up directory structure. [FIXED] MM operations lock up when multiple clients deadlock trying to access `assets` table, AssetsModel.log(), while it is locked in a long search operation. [CHANGED] The installer now also adds to my.cnf: max_connections = 300, max_connect_errors = 999999, and concurrent_insert = 2. [CHANGED] The installer now copies in a default my-huge.cnf if no /etc/my.cnf and then patches it. [CHANGED] The installer now copies in a default php.ini-recommended if no php.ini and then patches it. [2008-08-31 : VERSION 1.0.1, SVN 313] [FIXED] Creating a new folder or cuesheet with a playlist of cuesheet selected caused the new folder or cuesheet, visually, to be child of the selected playlist or cuesheet, which is impossible. [FIXED] The project tree allows mixed selections (multiple items of different types) which isn't actually possible. [FIXED] Email playlist feature broke in last version because Dbo.where() returning null when should return WHERE 0. [2008-08-29 : VERSION 1.0.0, SVN 305] [NEW] Added download manager, allowing format selection, and redesigned core download code. Request: Get a choice of asset proxies (different qualities/types) on download. -- ticket 00000012 [NEW] Added Auditioned and Downloaded source lists. [NEW] Added keyboard shortcuts 'D' to download, 'T' to add to project list, and 'G' to toggle Grouping from results table. [NEW] The type and name of the currently selected/searched source list displayed in the center of the button bar just above the search results. [NEW] Added ability to COPY tracks, playlists, cuesheets, and folders in the Project tree by holding Alt (Mac) or Ctrl (Win) key during drag-n-drop. [NEW] Pressing the 'D' key with the Project Tree in focus opens the Download Manager. [CHANGED] Modified and improved the Project tree functionality: Playlists [CHANGED] Modified and improved the Source drop down functionality. [CHANGED] Pressing Arrow-Left with a child track selected in the results table now collapses the open group and leaves the group parent selected. [FIXED] Attemping to Group tracks sorted by Artwork or Waveform throws database exception. [FIXED] Settings modified in the Style pane often don't take effect until the browser's cache is cleared and the page refreshed. [FIXED] Clicking in some regions of the Proxies form cause the form to unexpectedly close. [FIXED] Clicking the Reset button of the Proxies form sometimes reset the form to the settings of a different proxy. [FIXED] Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for ...styles.php in ...login.tpl on line 15. [FIXED] Assets are not being logged with `asset_key`s generated. [FIXED] Upgrading MM alters permissions of mlib_debug.log and php_error.log which sometimes causes file permission conflicts after upgrade. [FIXED] Clicking the bottom Login As button on the Admin | Users page doesn't do anything. [FIXED] The installer/upgrader postflight now deletes mlib_debug.log and php_error.log to avoid file permission errors on upgrade. [FIXED] The installer/upgrader postflight generates an error in the install log from the USER= step. [2008-07-19 : VERSION 0.9.22, SVN 285] [NEW] The installation and upgrade scripts now fully support multi-host systems with multiple independent MusicMiner databases within the same MySQL setup. [FIXED] The flash message of the redirect after successfull installation relied on proper database and session startup which will not work in cases of custom MusicMiner MySQL username or password. [2008-06-18 : VERSION 0.9.21, SVN 280] [NEW] Split-channel files are now properly downloaded and logged from the Project tree also (missed in 0.9.20). [2008-06-17 : VERSION 0.9.20, SVN 277] [NEW] Split-channel files are now properly auditioned, downloaded, and logged. The auditioning selects one of the channels, or if available, an interleaved proxy for playback. [2008-06-04 : VERSION 0.9.19, SVN 272] [FIXED] Library or Catagory names on the home screen containing special HTML entity characters (such as ") inject the HTML entity into the search text when clicked on, thus failing on the search. [FIXED] Searches such as "class* modern power*" fail to match "classical modern powerful" in the description (due to an error in the MySQL 5.0.x FULLTEXT search engine). [FIXED] Searches such as "feel-good" or "laid-back" with the hyphen "-" in the middle of the word are treated as though they were separate words with a NOT before the second word: "feel -good" instead of as itself a single word. [FIXED] Searches such as "up an' at 'em", with an apostrophe at the start or end of a word, are treated as the same without the apostrophes and the apostrophes flagged as "unexpected characters". [FIXED] Searches such as "it's", with an apostrophe in the word, are split into two separate words which often fails to find anything and misses the exact match. [2008-05-09 : VERSION 0.9.18, SVN 262] [FIXED] The parent track of a group of tracks with the Group feature on does not respect the user's sort order. -- ticket 00000045 [2008-04-28 : VERSION 0.9.17, SVN 258] [FIXED] IE7: Clicking on the last Library link on the home screen returns no results in IE7 (left out part of the fix last version). -- ticket 00000043 [FIXED] Attempting to change Account settings in the Preferences dialog for a user that has the same username as a deleted user would return "The requested username is already taken. Please choose another.". [2008-04-28 : VERSION 0.9.16, SVN 255] [FIXED] IE7: Clicking on the last Library link on the home screen returns no results in IE7. -- ticket 00000043 [2008-04-28 : VERSION 0.9.15, SVN 253] [FIXED] Clicking an empty library link failed in all browsers. [FIXED] Attempting to save changes to account settings within the Preferences dialog when the Username contained a period (.), at (@), etc. would throw a validation error. -- ticket 00000042 [FIXED] Made minor GUI improvement to metadata browser so that deselecting all items in a box automatically selects the All item. [FIXED] Made the default Copy Settings user in the New User form set to Guest, instead of Admin, for better security. [FIXED] Flash: Volume setting is not retained on new track play. -- ticket 00000040 [2008-03-05 : VERSION 0.9.14, SVN 247] [FIXED] In Safari 2.0.4 and possibly other browsers a JavaScript reference error for variable "MPages" would display on the main page and then the GUI would be inactive. [2008-03-03 : VERSION 0.9.13, SVN 245] [FIXED] Miscellaneous GUI fixes to the Asset Permissions form. [FIXED] Expanded asset permission nodes that would be expanded by default would display incorrect default values for child nodes. [FIXED] No logging of Project downloads. -- ticket 00000019 [FIXED] Cancelling ZIP file downloads causes the ZIP files to be left on the server thus gradually depleted disk space. [FIXED] Download error messages for multiple-file downloads were not displaying a JavaScript alert as intended. [FIXED] The Users list expands down the page outside it's form borders. [CHANGED] Reordered the version strings on the login page. * Contains commented out proxy download grid code. [2008-02-25 : VERSION 0.9.12, SVN 243] [FIXED] MP3's, AIFF's, AAC's, and some other file types can not be auditioned because the MIME type returned to Quicktime by the server is incorrect. [2008-02-11 : VERSION 0.9.11, SVN 239] [FIXED] Emailable playlist feature takes *forever* to display. -- ticket 00000026 [FIXED] SM Rocks--but it's slow! -- ticket 00000032 [2008-01-27 : VERSION 0.9.10, SVN 237] [FIXED] If you exit a drag-n-drop of project items by pressing the Esc key then the next time you drag-n-drop the last highlighted drop target will be stuck highlighted. [FIXED] When navigating down the project tree using the Down key the auto-scroll would jump forward unnecessarily at times. [FIXED] Slight project item selection/navigation speed up for IE7. [FIXED] Project item input box is vertically-misaligned when the project panel is scrolled. -- ticket 00000031 [FIXED] FF: The text box displayed to allow editing project item names has no text highlighting or blinking insertion cursor in Firefox. -- ticket 00000030 [FIXED] FF: Dragged folders in the Project tree cannot be dropped on many valid folders. -- ticket 00000022, ticket 00000023 [FIXED] Logging in after leaving a playlist as last selected source does not restore to a database source. -- ticket 00000028 [FIXED] Back/Forward function doesn't restore the Sources setting. -- ticket 00000027 [2008-01-22 : VERSION 0.9.9, SVN 234] [FIXED] The installer now ensures the "html/custom" directory exists. [NEW] Added the Files form to the Admin area to allow the managing of custom image, CSS, JavaScript, and Flash files. [CHANGED] Simplified and cleaned up the login page HTML and browser detection and JavaScript detection logic to facilitate customization. [NEW] Added extensive HTML customization possibilities to the login page with a corresponding admin form. [NEW] The server now strictly monitors duplicate logins by forcing any open sessions to logout when a user logins at a new location. [NEW] Added a live filter (Name/Username/Email) to the Users page. [2007-12-11 : VERSION 0.9.8, SVN 229] [FIXED] The highlighted selected row of the results table still navigates over sub-mixes even after a grouping that was expanded has been collapsed. [FIXED] Error messages are often surrounded by extraneous HTML content making them difficult to read. -- ticket 00000020 [FIXED] Saved searches in the Project tree cannot be deleted since a few versions back. [FIXED] Safari 2.0.4: The Project vertical scroll bar in Safari 2.0.4 could not be clicked on or dragged. [FIXED] Using any search feature with the view mode set to Mixed or Albums (anything that shows the album covers) would throw an Invalid Parameter exception. -- ticket 00000021 [FIXED] Selecting the Custom sort option in Admin | Base | Sorting would throw an exception. * Added ob_end_clean_all() before all major points of content output from server to ensure clean/uncorrupted output. [2007-12-10 : VERSION 0.9.7, SVN 227] [FIXED] IE7: Shift-clicking in the results table or project tree to select multiple items works but also results in an ugly text selection of the entire web page. [FIXED] Win: Downloaded ZIP files are not compatibile with Windows (download from Project tree - results tracks zip files are fine). -- ticket 00000016 [FIXED] IE7: Attempting to download assets would have no effect or would throw an object exception in IE7. [NEW] Clicking an album in album mode automatically switches, with animation, to mixed mode when the results are returned. [NEW] The albums sort order was fixed to Library:ascending, Volume:descending and now it has been made to follow the customizable track sort order. [CHANGED] Added the "(on your Mac, running Software Update might work)" to the browser not supported message. [FIXED] The installer/updater fails to purge the MusicMiner/cache directory in many cases (when it contains tons of cached artwork images) which caused hard to debug errors in the newly installed version operating off of an old cache and often with incorrect file permissions. [2007-12-05 : VERSION 0.9.6, SVN 223] [FIXED] DB Error when attempting to search within project folder and Library asset permission restrictions. -- ticket 00000013 [2007-12-03 : VERSION 0.9.5, SVN 221] [FIXED] Some Soundminer V4Pro versions create a database `sm_waveforms` which has a `schema` table which fools MusicMiner into including the database in the Databases list as an assets database. Fixed MusicMiner with stricter database selection criteria. [FIXED] Attempting to create a new user with an email address for the Username returns a Validation Error from the server. [FIXED] IE7: The header and footer bars of the Reports, Style, and HTML admin pages where collapsed horizontally. [FIXED] IE7: Opening the Admin | Style page raises an "object error" in IE7. [FIXED] IE7: Resizing the Project/Metadata panel with mouse won't let mouse go. -- ticket 00000010 [FIXED] IE7: Reordering results columns by dragging the column header does not work in IE7. -- ticket 00000009 [FIXED] IE7: The Columns menu will display only once without a page refresh. -- ticket 00000008 [FIXED] IE/FF: In IE and FF the album artwork thumbnail's border is incomplete - looks sloppy. -- ticket 00000005 (old ticket numbers) [FIXED] IE7: The buttons column of the results table is collapsed and too narrow. -- ticket 00000004 [FIXED] IE7: Pressing Enter in the search box to submit a search often doesn't work. -- ticket 00000005 [FIXED] IE7: The admin screen tabs are the wrong style and coloring. [FIXED] IE7: Scrollbars are displayed on login screen and a vertical scrollbar is displayed on both search and admin screens. -- ticket 00000006 [2007-11-27 : VERSION 0.9.4, SVN 217] [FIXED] Version 0.9.3 introduced a bug where assets were not auditionable from the search results (and possibly included the new emailable playlists). [FIXED] Version 0.9.3 introduced a bug where settings buttons on the main page would stick after being clicked and the setting they were meant to change never finished. * Modified App.compile() and App.url_for() to make URL construction actually verify the regex requirements are met and that unused named elements are actual optional. * App.compile(): Adjusted routing regular expression to explicitly require the extra "rest" of the path to begin with a "/". [2007-11-27 : VERSION 0.9.3, SVN 214] [FIXED] Application now recognizes when the installer has been run again for the already installed version and now properly redisplays the upgrade form and removes config.php.new thus preventing configuration saving errors. [NEW] Added Emailable Playlist feature. Project playlists can be emailed for auditioning by selecting folders, cuesheets, tracks, and/or cues and clicking the new email (@) button. -- ticket 00000007 [NEW] The Password Reset and the Auto-Registration features send emails with embedded links back to the server that are now constructed using the new Site Host Address setting. [NEW] Added the Site Host Address setting to Admin | Site | Options to set the canonical absolute address to be used to link back to the server. [FIXED] The green/red success/failure color flash when submitting something to the server would wipe out the background pattern of the form that was flashed. [FIXED] IE7: The source drop box is completely empty. -- ticket 00000003 [FIXED] IE7: Selecting project folder highlights all sub-items also. -- ticket 00000002 [NEW] Added the Clear button next to the Search button to reset the search to the home page (same function as the home button). [FIXED] Fixed bug introduced in version 0.9.2 where the ALL SOURCES returned ALL PLAYLISTS and double-clicking the SOURCES item in the project area had no effect. [2007-11-15 : VERSION 0.9.2, SVN 207] [NEW] Added second set of Save Changes and Reset buttons to top of Permissions form. [FIXED] Version 0.9.0 introduced a bug where tracks in project folders would fail to audition when attempted. [NEW] Properly secured many user interface components (admin components were already secured). This also fixed the many varied database exceptions that would occur trying to user any interface feature after beingn auto logged out from lack of activity. [NEW] Added a much needed legend to the Permissions form. [FIXED] Expanding an Assets Permissions node that contained a NULL item (such as with a database containing tracks with NULL values for the `Library` field) would fail. [FIXED] Expanding or collapsing either the SOURCES or SHARED items in the project tree would throw a Validation Error and also would not retain state on server. [2007-11-12 : VERSION 0.9.1, SVN 204] [NEW] Added automatic new user registration functionality to login page - by default disabled. [FIXED] The sources drop box displayed a blank line for the "ALL SOURCES" and "ALL PLAYLISTS" items in Firefox and some other browsers. [CHANGED] Replaced the PHP and MySQL version lines on the login page with a combined non-descript line. [2007-11-06 : VERSION 0.9.0, SVN 201] [NEW] Project playlists can be emailed for auditioning by selecting folders or tracks and clicking the new email (@) button. [NEW] Project folder contents can be viewed in the results table, by double-clicking folder or selecting from select box, and are fully browseable and searchable (cuesheets not included). [NEW] The project folder panel has a new layout which now includes database sources and also better separates a user's personal folders from shared folders. [NEW] Added Main Area background and borders style customization hooks to the Styles admin tab. [FIXED] Creating a Soundminer asset database with the same name, but different letter case, as previously existing database caused a database exception under the Databases admin tab. [CHANGED] Swapped the tab order of the Metadata and Project panels. [CHANGED] Default state for folders is now open instead of closed. [2007-10-18: VERSION 0.8.4, SVN 195] [FIXED] Installer now intelligently modifies the MySQL configuration file my.cnf without unnecessarily clobbering all it's other settings. This partially faciliates Apple Server installations. [2007-10-15: VERSION 0.8.3, SVN 193] [NEW] Added global header and footer HTML customization functionality. [2007-10-12: VERSION 0.8.2, SVN 191] [FIXED] Since 0.8.0 the minor Javascript syntactical error (in admin.js) of having a comma after a final array item caused a Javascript parsing error for all admin pages. [FIXED] Removed the currently unused "Help" global link from the admin pages. [2007-10-12: VERSION 0.8.1, SVN 189] [FIXED] Upgrades now clear any leftover contents of the cache directory which could cause problems being out of sync with the new version or due to file permission changes caused by the installer. [FIXED] PHP errors were being generated for an access violation trying to touch() Browsecap.php. [FIXED] PHP errors were being generated periodically due to slopply new code in Application.__run(). [2007-10-11: VERSION 0.8.0, SVN 187] [NEW] Added style customization via the new admin Style tab. This is a partial implementation as not all aspects of the interface have been delineated for customization yet. [CHANGED] Removed all custom/*.css files as customization will be covered by the new Styles form being designed. [FIXED] In Safari 3 keyboard navigation does not work properly as it did in previous versions. (Jesse) -- ticket 00000049 [FIXED] Firefox would invariably clobber the left or top, or both, borders of input, select, and textarea elements embedded in a table cell. [FIXED] The Json.encode() method in prototype.js would not properly escape the " (double-quote) thus creating corrupt JSON objects. [CHANGED] Aggregated most interface button images into a single smaller image for faster load times and less interface flicker. [CHANGED] Removed some image resources that weren't being used. [NEW] Server now generates an error page when Apache mod_rewrite is not configured properly. [2007-08-31: VERSION 0.7.5, SVN 164] [NEW] Added a temporary admin setting under Site | Options to disable the Categories list on the Home screen to accmomodate users with unmanageably long lists. (Steve) [CHANGED] Better status messages given to remote users when the server is in the process of being installed or upgraded. [2007-08-29: VERSION 0.7.4, SVN 160] [CHANGED] Got rid of "output" folder in installation disk image (DMG) so that MusicMiner.pkg is at the root level. [FIXED] Deleting users under the Users tab of the Admin area was not setting the user state flag to 'deleted'. [NEW] Added Browscap library and browscap.ini credit and license notices to the installation ReadMe file. [NEW] Browser detection and filtering added to login page to prevent the use of sub-par browsers. [CHANGED] Improved "JavaScript Disabled" error message for all pages. [CHANGED] New End User License Agreement (EULA) added to installer. [CHANGED] The Reports page remembers which report was selected for a session. [FIXED] Attempting to delete a report had no effect. [NEW] Client web browser and operating system are now detected and logged. A Browser Summary report has been added to highlight these new fields. [FIXED] Generated report browser windows were unsizeable and missing scrollbars in some browsers. [FIXED] Nested group fields in Summary Reports in certain configurations would be missing rows, sort incorrectly, and possibly display with extra cells in the report table. [FIXED] The Include Grand Total checkbox comes up unchecked when a report is opened in design mode even when it should be checked. [FIXED] Attempting to create a new report failed and returned a database exception. [2007-08-13: VERSION 0.7.3, SVN 150] [FIXED] Deleting a Soundminer database that is still set to active in MusicMiner makes it impossible to log back into MusicMiner as database errors are thrown. (Steve) -- ticket 00000048 [FIXED] Databases appear in the database combo box even if the user does not have permission to access the database. -- ticket 00000023 [FIXED] The Databases admin page throws a Javascript exception when the database list is empty (no available databases). -- ticket 00000022 [CHANGED] A more descriptive icon for the project panel open/close button. (ABC) -- ticket 00000039 [CHANGED] Added tooltip "Return to home screen. Clear search." to Home button. (ABC) [2007-08-12: VERSION 0.7.2, SVN 144] [NEW] Added ability for admin to customize the secondary sort order of returned results. Accessed in the Admin area under the Base tab. [FIXED] Default Download Summary report tables where sorting in ascending order by the grouped field instead ranking by Download #. [2007-08-07: VERSION 0.7.1, SVN 141] [BEGAN] Return of Weights admin setup. [FIXED] The Metadata Browser would display "" for a value of "0" when it should display "0". In practice this "0" case is very rare. [FIXED] The User choice in the report designer was not saving and PHP was generating an unnoticed warning everytime Save Changes was clicked. [NEW] Added Conditions to the table form of the report designer to allow result filtering. [NEW] Added "Sales Rep.", "Username", "Group", and "Role" fields to report fields list. [NEW] Added "Sales Rep." field to user settings and made it available in reporting. [2007-08-01: VERSION 0.7.0, SVN 135] [NEW] Administrative logging of all logins, logouts, searches, auditions, and downloads and reporting of searches, auditions, and downloads. [CHANGED] When search results are returned the search box should automatically be clear and focused ready for a new search. (ABC) -- ticket 00000038 [FIXED] Clicking the "Edit search text" arrow to the right of the search text should automatically unlock any search lock. (ABC) -- ticket 00000037 [FIXED] Clicking the Home button should clear the search box and search text. (ABC) -- ticket 00000036 [2007-07-17: VERSION 0.6.5, SVN 121] [NEW] Added admin option, under the Site|Options tab, that determines when assets should and should not be zipped for download delivery. -- ticket 00000043 (Buzz) [2007-06-29: VERSION 0.6.4, SVN 102] [FIXED] Certain asset permission configurations would cause a fatal error to be thrown on the home screen or possibly while running a search. [CHANGED] The home screen could take a long time to load if the Libaries or Categories list were appreciably long (5,000+ unique entries). Changed the way the script assigns the clickable behaviour to the items so the extra load time due to the script is negligible. [CHANGED] The clickable area of the Admin tabs has been increased to fill the entire tab. [2007-06-25: VERSION 0.6.3, SVN 98] [NEW] Return of email configuration under the admin Site tab. [CHANGED] Improved styling of the cue sheet page with a top title bar and bottom button bar. [FIXED] The "I forgot my password" feature stopped working some version back. [FIXED] When the results columns are in fixed (custom sized) mode and are sized too small the header text of some columns overflows into the next column. ticket 00000034 [FIXED] The Columns menu, when very long, will overlap the player (which shows through in some browsers) or run off the bottom of the screen making the bottom items inaccessible. Fixed by making the menu avoid the player and it now contains a scrollbar when to long for the screen. ticket 00000033 [FIXED] Trying to exit the Advanced Search dialog or Columns menu (or probably any DialogCtrl) by clicking out of it or pressing Esc fails after it has already been opened once before. ticket 00000018 [FIXED] Attempting to change the sort order of the Database Columns table in the admin area would throw an AJAX error in Firefox (fine in Safari). [2007-06-21: VERSION 0.6.2, SVN 94] [FIXED] Attempting to Save Changes after adding a custom cue to a cue sheet would silently fail: do nothing when the Save Changes button clicked. [FIXED] Switching databases would properly return to home screen but the Library and Category summary would reflect the previous database selection. (bug introduced in 0.5.12) All these fixes are bugs introduced in the 0.6.x series that and are not in the latest 0.5.x release. [FIXED] Attempting to download tracks from the project panel would throw a Database Error and fail to perform the download (downloading a folder works fine). [FIXED] Attempting to add multiple new tracks simultaneously to a project folder with a brand new installation would throw a Database Error and fail to add the tracks. [FIXED] Attempting to view the Albums mode would throw a Database Error and fail to show the albums. [2007-06-21: VERSION 0.6.1, SVN 90] [NEW] Readme file included in the installer to aid in the install and upgrade process. [NEW] Return of the admin Site tab with Persistent Login, Site Name, and new Player options. [NEW] Admin has the option of using the MusicMiner Flash Player with the waveform that plays only MP3s or Apple's QuickTime player which supports natively a wide selection of audio and visual formats. [NEW] Added date format fields to the `site` table for Full, Long, Medium, and Short date formats to use throughout the system. [CHANGED] Cue Sheet features more stable, more cross browser compatible, and with a new look. [CHANGED] The "Original Airdate" field now accepts dates in many natural human formats and displays the value in one standardized format. [CHANGED] Added "VD = Visual Dance" to the Cue Sheet legend. [FIXED] Accessing the root URL (e.g. accessing http://localhost after being directed to http://localhost/main) after having logged in presented an Internal Server Error. [FIXED] If the MySQL server was shutdown the software would assume that an Install was needed when in fact the user might be in the middle of an Upgrade or simply have killed the MySQL server. Now an intelligent error message is presented until the server is restarted. [FIXED] If admin disabled the persistent login feature ("Rememeber me on this computer") but a user had already selected to be remembered prior to the feature being didabled the user would be able to still bypass login. [2007-06-19: VERSION 0.6.0, SVN 83] [NEW] Added PDF generation for cue sheets. [NEW] Added cue sheet creation, modification, exporting, and reporting functionality. [NEW] Return of the persistent login feature ("Remember me on this computer"). [NEW] Added End User License Agreement to installer package. [NEW] Installer now reports the full correct version (major.minor.fix) of the software being installed. [CHANGED] Tracks in the project tree are now linked against the `assets` table instead of the original `metadata` table for better reliability against `metadata` changes. [CHANGED] Cleaned up and refactored some basic Dbo and Model code. [FIXED] AssetsModel would make duplicate entries for any track that had at least one column NULL. Fixed by altering the code to do a NULL-safe compare when determining if a track has already been logged. [FIXED] Much improved security against users accessing admin features for which they do not have the proper privileges. [2007-06-13: VERSION 0.5.12, SVN 66] [NEW] Added app/html/custom directory containing blank common.css, login.css, main.css, admin.css, and report.css to allow user customization of the visual interface. [NEW] Added internal option settings to customize behaviour and availability of the home screen, auto/fixed results view, albums/mixed/tracks results view, metadata browser, and track grouping functionality. (These options will become settable in the admin user interface in a later version.) [NEW] The Asset File Suffix of the proxy path rewrite rules now accepts the wildcard characters * and ? to allow matching of non uniform file extensions in the asset database. For example .* will strip off *any* file extension and replace it with the Proxy File Suffix. ticket 00000025 [FIXED] Closing the project panel and then refreshing or logging out and back in would result in the panel being open again. The closed state was not persisting creating the additional problem of not being able to setup a template user with the project panel defaulted to closed. [FIXED] Deleting a user and then creating a new user by the same name resulted in the new user not being able to ever login to the system. [FIXED] Double-clicking live-links or otherwise executing a search or home request multiple times quickly causes a database error trying to insert entries into the `history` table with duplicate keys. ticket 00000019 [FIXED] The download functionality of the project panel stopped working without notice at least as far back as 0.5.8. Fixed up and tested including improved security checking, corrected zip code so nested folders download in same configuration, and enabled downloading of root folders (purple folders). [FIXED] The JSON encoder was not escaping the double-quote character in double-quoted strings preventing download error messages from making it to the user. [CHANGED] Newly redesigned track buttons that are more aesthetic and also more clearly denote their function. ticket 00000024 [2007-06-12: VERSION 0.5.11, SVN 51] [FIXED] Fixed proxy MP3 playback bug introduced by version 0.5.10 changes. [2007-06-09: VERSION 0.5.10, SVN 42] [NEW] The Delete button in the Proxies form has been enabled and thus proxy entries, other than the asset proxy entry itself, can now be deleted. [NEW] Newly created users and changes to existing users are immediately reflected in the Users table without requiring a refresh to see them. The Account Enabled and User Template options can now be changed for existing users (previously only settable for new users). [FIXED] Drag-n-drop moving non-root items in the project tree with any of the root folders (top purple folders) also selected returned a validation error from the server and refused the move. Fixed so that the portion of the selection that is moveable is moved while the root folders are left alone. [FIXED] Both the special system users Admin and Guest could be deleted like any other user. The client and server code now both disallow deleting these system users. [FIXED] The version comparison that determines if an upgrade or install is taking place was a straight string compare which was fine for all prior versions but thinks '0.5.10' < '0.5.9'. Fixed comparison to use proper version comparison logic instead of string logic. [FIXED] Clicking the New button under in the Proxies form created a new proxy but failed to update the Proxies table or indicate success in Firefox (works fine in Safari). Fixed. [FIXED] Changing MusicMiner user's passwords either through the Main or Admin pages would double MD5 hash the password before storing to the `mm_admin`.`users` thus making it impossible to login with the new password. Fixed. [FIXED] The 0.5.9 installer's method of determining the installing user was unreliable and could easily determine the wrong name in certain cases or an invalid name if the username was longer than 8 characters thus resulting in Apache launching or launching under the wrong user. Fixed this in postflight with a more robust algorithm to determine the installing user. [CHANGED] Minor improvement to the auto-focus of the Username and Password fields in the login form. [CHANGED] Opening the New User or User dialogs now removes focus from the Users table and gives focus to the first input boxed in each respective dialog making it easier to being editing the fields. [CHANGED] Minor improvements to the database installation and upgrade code to make it easier to generate new minor revision releases in the future. [2007-06-07: VERSION 0.5.9, SVN 36] [FIXED] The MusicMiner web server would fail to access assets on a remotely (afp) mounted drive because the web server, running as user "www", was denied access because afp mounted drives allow access *only* to the user that did the mounting. Fixed this through the installer by modifying httpd.conf to run the web server as the installing user so that as long as the same user performs the mount the server will have access. [2007-05-28: VERSION 0.5.8, SVN 4] [CHANGED] Hiding Weights page under the Base admin tab for now as it is not implemented. [FIXED] Installer for 0.5.7 would have failed if attempted on a machine where the MySQL user musicminer@localhost was not already setup as the installer accidentally tries to start a user session. Fixed. [application.php] [FIXED] Collapsing a portion of the project tree using the keyboard left-arrow command when child tracks of a selected folder are also selected causes the folder selection to be lost. [project.js] ticket 00000017 [FIXED] Mouse-down on the folder arrow of a root folder deselects all when selections should remain unchanged as they do when any other folder's arrow is clicked. [project.js] ticket 00000016 [FIXED] Attempting to add a track, saved search, or new folder to the Project with no project item currently selected would fail. Fixed. [FIXED] After adding a saved search to a project folder the saved search did not become runnable until after a page refresh. Fixed. [FIXED] Version 0.5.7 took advantage of the newly available json_encode() and json_decode() PHP functions which it turns out are buggy so switching back to mlib implementation until next PHP release with bug fixes. [basics.php] [FIXED] In the Advanced Search Dialog, when changing a search column, would throw Javascript errors, the comparison type combo box would be missing, and the dialog would not start the search. Fixed. [dialog_advanced.tpl] [FIXED] When selecting a proxy after having edited another proxy the Actual Asset and Actual Proxy fields would retain their old values, which are no longer relevant. Fixed so these fields clear when proxy selection changed. [admin.js] [FIXED] Refactoring in version 0.5.7 of PermsMode.sql() to ResultsModel.sql_perms() was not completed causing a fatal error on ResultsModel.sql() being undefined. Fixed by completing the renaming. [results_model.php] [FIXED] Both the Groups and Roles admin tabs displayed deleted users. Fixed so they are now hidden (although database record is retained for logging purposes). [group_ctrl.php, role_ctrl.php] [CHANGED] Clicking on the parsed search query runs a search for the clicked search term - used to require a double-click. [CHANGED] The Metadata panel now uses the display names for each metadata column instead of the actual database column name. [CHANGED] The metadata columns `_PictureLink` and `_WaveformLink` are now internal system columns instead of standing in for Artwork and Waveform, which are now two new derived columns. [FIXED] The waveform column was incorrectly linked to the `_PictureLink` column instead of the `_WaveformLink` column causing waveforms to not show up or display the incorrect waveform. Fixed. [FIXED] The `mm_admin`.`perms`.`assets` structure should contain a 'column' entry as of last version. The new installer/upgrader resets this database field with the correct structure and the code is updated to properly store and handle new 'column' entry. [`mm_admin`.`perms`, perms_model.php, perms.tpl, admin.js] [FIXED] The search results were being returned in the exact opposite ascending/desceding order specified by `sort_tracks` - the SQL logic was backwards. Fixed. [results_model.php] [FIXED] The 0.5.7 installer/upgrader filled *all* `perms`.`sort_tracks` and `perms`.`sort_albums` with defaults when it should have just been for `id` = '1', the base permissions. The new installer/upgrader NULL's the other entries and sets the base permissions again. [2007-05-24: MM_VER 0.5.7, DB_VER 0.5.7, SM_VER 0.5.7] [NEW] New Metadata panel docked with the Project panel - replaces the Metadata Popup. [CHANGED] Rearranged the main screen so the Project extends to the bottom of the page and the Player is now only below the content - thus giving the Project more room. [main.tpl, main.js, musicminer.css] [NEW] Added new permission "File Extensions", `mm_admin`.`perms`.`file_exts`, which regulates whether file extensions show in the Project, thus allowing them to be hidden. [`mm_admin`.`perms`, perms.tpl, perm_ctrl.php, project.tpl, project_ctrl.php] [FIXED] The Project display code did not HTML escape the folder, track, or search name potentially creating strange display bugs if any of these names contained special HTML characters. Fixed. [FIXED] Using the column function Database[], useful when searching multiple databases simultaneously, would fail. Fixed. [NEW] Asset permission structure now fully supports SFX databases by dynamically adjusting it's nesting structure based on which metadata columns are available. [NEW] Added `perm_columns` and `group_columns` to the `mm_admin`.`databases` allow internal tweaking (and perhaps admin control in the future) of the columns used for asset permissions and the Group function respectively. [`mm_admin`.`databases`, perms_ctrl.php, perms_model.php, results_model.php] [FIXED] The Album engine (album search) is now robust against missing metadata columns. SFX now supported. [results_model.php, albums.tpl] [FIXED] The Metadata Popup (mouse over artwork) is now robust against missing metadata columns and properly displays an empty field for non-existent columns. SFX now supported. [model.php, results_ctrl.php, elem_meta.tpl] [FIXED] The Grouping engine (Group button) is now robust against missing metadata columns and multi-database searches on databases with mismatched metadata columns. SFX now fully supported. [results_model.php] [FIXED] The Metadata Browser (Browse button) engine is now robust against missing metadata columns and multi-database searches on databases with mismatched metadata columns. SFX now fully supported. [results_model.php] [NEW] All downloads are now fully permission verified before download is allowed. [CHANGED] Dropped `folders`.`state` column from `folders` and created `folder_states` table to generalize state to a many to one relationship of users to folders to prepare for project sharing. Created folder_states_model.php and updated other code accordingly. [`mm_admin`.`folders`, `mm_admin`.`folder_states`, folders.php, folder_states.php, project_ctrl.php, project.tpl] [FIXED] Version 0.5.6's upgrade process in upgrade_ctrl.php was flawed in that it copied config.php.new to config.php on *each* upgrade iteration causing any interation but the first to fail. Fixed. [FIXED] Version 0.5.6 erroneously checked for logged-in state during installs/upgrades which caused an infinite redirect between the install/upgrade controls and the login control. Fixed. [2007-05-17: MM_VER 0.5.6, DB_VER 0.5.6, SM_VER 0.5.3] [FIXED] A bit of work to get a new method of "config.php" replacement on install/upgrade to work fully. [makefile, preflight, config/config.php, app/config.php, upgrade_ctrl.php, install_ctrl.php] [FIXED] The login() method ensures a session is started before attempting to login a user - starting the session if necessary. [session.php Session::login()] [NEW] Users with permission to administer users may now use the Login As button on the Users admin tab to login as that user. [NEW] Admin can now add/delete users through the Users admin tab by clicking on the New and Delete buttons respectively. [REMOVED] Removed "Browse As Guest" funtionality until I have time to implemenent it fully. [REMOVED] Removed "Remember Me" feature until I have time to make it stable again. [CHANGED] Added a `state` column with states: 'enabled', 'disabled', and 'deleted'. [`mm_admin`.`users`] [CHANGED] Updated the email address validation regular expression throughout the software to a better test. [FIXED] All three default users created during installation (admin, guest, and default) where given the same `username` of 'admin'. Fixed in new installations and fixed by updater. [FIXED] The Preferences dialog box would report "The password you entered is invalid" on a Save Changes when in fact the password was valid. Fixed. [preferences_ctrl.php] [CHANGED] Dropped `user`.`name` column, will only use `user` and `username` column from now on. Updated various PHP source code consistent with modification. [`mm_admin`.`users`] [NEW] The home page Library and Category summaries now respect user permissions. [results_model.php] [FIXED] The HTML parsed version of the user's query string generated by Parser has been beefed up with htmlspecialchars() for literals and terms so special HTML characters in the search query are properly escaped before being sent to the client browser. ticket 00000015 [parser.php] [FIXED] The Parser class now compiles the WHERE and relevance SQL fragments separately in the context of each database being searched and column functions accessing missing columns in a database test against NULL instead of attempting to compare against a non-existent column. ticket 00000014 [parser.php] [FIXED] The permission SQL generation logic was moved from ResultsModel to PermsModel and the logic simplified and corrected. [results_model.php, perms_model.php] [FIXED] The code that generates the asset permission tree used == null in its logic where it should be === null resulting in an incorrect representation of the permission tree. Fixed. [perms.tpl] [FIXED] Various key if statements were testing for == null or != null when whick were erroneously evaluating true and false respectively for the 0 case resulting in incorrect permission cascading. Changed to === null and !== null. [perms_model.php] [FIXED] The array keys merge in effectiveAssets() and effectiveColumns() would result in duplicate keys, probably having no effect on the functions final results though. Fixed. [perms_model.php] [FIXED] The Asset portion of the Permissions form would fail on Save Changes or tree node expansion if it involved a node with a blank name (e.g. a blank Library name). Fixed this with creation of new text() methods for MQui and MTri. [admin.js PermsCtrl, mctrls.js MQui MTri] [CHANGED] To safeguard string values in the config.php file config_str() is added to properly enclose and escape string values. [config/config.php, upgrade_ctrl.php, install_ctrl.php] [FIXED] config_update() via config_set() always added quotes around the define value, which was fine until last release added define( 'DEBUG', 'DEBUG_OFF' ) where the quotes around DEBUG_OFF ruin its meaning. Changed update_set() to set *literally* what it is passed - a quoted string has to be passed like this config_update( 'MM_VERSION'=>"'0.5.6'" ). [config/config.php, upgrade_ctrl.php, install_ctrl.php] [FIXED] Trying to logout when already logged out caused errors - fixed UserComp.logout() so it only acts if the user is logged in. [user_comp.php] [2007-05-10: MM_VER 0.5.5, DB_VER 0.5.5, SM_VER 0.5.3] [CHANGED] [config/config.php, app/config/config.php, upgrade_ctrl.php] The 'DEBUG' define is being moved from app/config.php to the site-specific config/config.php so that a user's previous debug mode is retained on upgrades. The upgrade adds 'DEBUG'=>'DEBUG_OFF' to config.php and the install will get it through the new default config.php. [CHANGED] [assets_ctrl.php] The previous exec('zip..') shell method of zipping has been replaced with the ZipArchive PHP class which is cleaner and not OS dependent. [NEW] [bootstrap.php, app.php] The beginnings of an improved error exception system that will allow new forms of error reporting such as returning an HTML document with just a Javascript alert() that can be used for the download assets cases. [CHANGED] [assets_ctrl.php] The file name for the zip file downloaded when doing multi-file downloads from the results table now uses a naming scheme like downloading from the Projects panel: download__.zip [CHANGED] [postflight, app/config/config.php] Increased max_execution_time to 120 seconds (2 minutes). [CHANGED] [bootstrap.php, app/config/config.php] Increased the minimum php version in bootstrap.php to 5.2.1 plus added a new define, PHP_MIN_VERSION, which is defined in config.php with the same minimum version '5.2.1'. [FIXED] [postflight, app/config/config.php] Memory intensive operations such as creating the metabrowser could max out the PHP memory_limit on large datasets causing the server to abort the script. Increased the memory_limit to 128MB in config.php (uses ini_set() in bootstrap.php) and in php.ini by way of postflight. [FIXED] [model.php] PHP > 5.1 but < 5.2.1 would not allow direct modification of __get() returned properties, such as in the Record class, and would throw a PHP notice. This caused numerous user settings such as metabrowser column choices, not to stick because the Record property was never modified. This bug is fixed in PHP 5.2.1 as long as the &__get() returns a reference. Both __get()'s in model.php updated accordingly. [FIXED] [columns_model.php] For some versions of PHP the unset($columns[$id]) in ColumnsModel.active() would corrupt the array causing many columns to be missing the 'kind' and 'fulltext' members causing all sorts of odd UI behaviour such as empty search results for column queries. Switched foreach to array_keys($columns) to make loop independent from $columns array. (Thanks Justin) [CHANGED] [postflight] Changed "apachectl graceful" to "apachectl start" to see if it handles the problems JD has had with Apache not restarting after upgrades. [CHANGED] [assets_ctrl.php] The audition and download actions now log the `metadata`.`FileType` or `proxies`.`mime_name` as the file type field depending on whether `proxies`.`mime_name` is 'From Metadata' or something else respectively. [CHANGED] [logs_model.php] The methods logAudition() and logDownloads() were updated to match their new table structures. [CHANGED] [`mm_logs`.`auditions`, `mm_logs`.`downloads`] Dropped `time`, added `group_id` and `role_id`, modified `file_type` from CHAR(4) to VARCHAR(255), and modified `file_path` from TEXT to VARCHAR(3000). [CHANGED] [`mm_logs`.`ids`] Added `time` column to store global scoped (for all log tables) timestamp of event. The corresponding `time` column will be removed from all other log tables. [NEW] [assets_model.php] The AssetsModel class has been added to manage the new `mm_admin`.`assets` table which now stores the *entire* metadata content of all logged assets. [CHANGED] [logs_model.php] LogsModel.logAsset() now calls newly added AssetsModel.log() which logs asset entry in the new `mm_admin`.`assets` table. [CHANGED] [`mm_admin`] An new `assets` table, filling the previous role of `mm_logs`.`assets` but very differently, has been added to `mm_admin`. [CHANGED] [`mm_logs`] The `assets` table has been dropped from `mm_logs`. [CHANGED] [install_ctrl.php, update_ctrl.php, install.tpl, update.tpl] For the time being the MySQL user for installs/upgrades is hardcoded as "root" (the form field disabled). This settings may be enabled again in future versions if MM needs to be installed on a system where "root" access is not available (such as a shared host). [FIXED] [install.tpl] Corrected misspelling of "privileges" in the install form. [2007-05-09: MM_VER 0.5.4, DB_VER 0.5.4, SM_VER 0.5.3] [FIXED] [parser.php Parser.parse_input()] parse_input() would return null if the column kind of a column function (e.g. Category[Pop]) was not one of the pre-listed types resulting in empty search result sets. [CHANGED] [databases_model.php DatabasesModel] Dropped __create(), _setup(), _getSearchIndex, and _dbIds() as they are no longer used and as there is no reason to build `indexed` anymore on DatabasesModel creation. [CHANGED] [`mm_admin`.`databases'] Dropped the now unused, as of a few versions back, `indexed` column. [CHANGED] [admin.tpl] Temporarily removed the Reports, Site, and Core admin tabs. Will be readded in future versions when the associated functionality has been completed. [CHANGED] [application.php, admin_ctrl.php] The admin page now remembers a users last visited admin tab and restores it when the admin section is revisited. Also, /admin is no longer a valid URL but instead redirects to the actual tab URL such as /admin/users. [CHANGED] [object.php Object.__construct()] The code that causes member variables given in the $persist array to persist now throws a LogicError if a named member variable doesn't exist. [FIXED] [proxy_report_ctrl.php ProxyReport.onIndex()] The proxy verification report functionality can take longer than the default max_execution_time of 30 seconds to execute causing it to timeout. Added an explicity ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '600' ) in for this case to allow up to 10 minutes. [FIXED] [elem_pagination.tpl, musicminer.css] Safari 2.0.3- does not properly Event.stop clicks causing the pagination links to redirect to a non-existent URL rather than generate the AJAX request the are meant to. Switched all 's to 's to fix problem. [FIXED] [control.php Control.dispatch()] Running the reindex functionality under the Databases admin tab threw an exception because Control.dispatch() was not setting $this->pass as expected. Fixed. [NEW] [postflight] Installer now attempts to modify php.ini to extend max_execution_time = 60 and memory_limit = 10M as the base settings. These settings will be adjusted by explicit ini_set()'s in the code as necessary. Will be moved to postinstall for next version (want to change upgraders as well for this version). [2007-05-08: MM_VER 0.5.3, DB_VER 0.5.3, SM_VER 0.5.3] [FIXED] [admin.css] MCheck button (button.mcheck) images, in view-databases and view-dbcolumns tables, were getting clipped on the bottom by Firefox due to a CSS margin adjustment made for Safari. Removing the adjustment fixed problem and still looks good in Safari. [FIXED] [elem_tracks.tpl] When there are no search terms to highlight (e.g. Library[Fifth Floor]) the highlight $regex defaulted to '##' which ended up matching *every single character* instead of the inteaded no matches! This caused tons of tags and caused HTML quoting such as & to display literally. $regex now doesn't set at all for such cases. [CHANGED] [databases.tpl, database.tpl, proxies.tpl, proxies_ctrl.php] Reworked the Databases/Proxies admin tab to look nicer and to include new "From Metadata" proxy type option. [CHANGED] [proxies_model.php, assets_ctrl.php] Added new "From Metadata" proxy type option where the audition mime type is derived from the `FileType` column of the `metadata` table. [CHANGED] [`mm_admin`.`schema`] Changed `software_version` to `mm_ver`, `database_version` to `db_ver`, and added `sm_ver`. [CHANGED] [`mm_cache`.`schema`] Changed `software_version` to `mm_ver` and `database_version`. [CHANGED] [`mm_logs`.`schema`] Changed `software_version` to `mm_ver` and `database_version`. [CHANGED] [`mm_admin`.`proxies`] Changed the default for `mime_name` to 'From Metadata' which has the special meaning of using the file type from the `metadata` table. [CHANGED] [preflight] Installer shuts down Apache before copying any files to ensure MusicMiner is not in use and also that the web server is not trying to access the files being updated. [CHANGED] [postflight] Installer only shuts down, and then restarts, MySQL server if it the installer actually modified the MySQL files my.cnf or stopwords.txt, otherwise allows server to continue running when files not modified. [CHANGED] [postflight] Installer now runs apachectrl graceful to start/restart Apache server even when /etc/httpd/httpd.conf doesn't exist - previously ran apachectrl graceful from within if httpd.conf block. [2007-05-08: VERSION 0.5.2] [CHANGED] [inflector.php Inflector::inflections()] Turns out MySQL 5.1.6+ changed the FULLTEXT parser so that apostrophes are not considered part of a word thus making rock's two separate searches rock and 's. This causes my inflections, which adds 's, to over match results. Removed 's inflections. [2007-05-08: VERSION 0.5.1] [FIXED] [admin.js RoleCtrl.__build()] When creating new RoleFormCtrl passed in
element as 'wrap' instead of 'view' causing RoleFormCtrl.__extract() to throw exception trying to extract form elements from the child ; changed 'wrap' to 'view'. [FIXED] [mlib.js Popup.initialize()] Recent change of Control.initialize() parameter order caused Popup's onClose event not to register thus making Columns drop-down menu to stop working; fixed this.sup() parameter order in Popups.initialize(). [FIXED] [columns_model.php ColumnsModel.active()] [CODE] Had !isset($columns['kind']) when meant !isset($column['kind']), replaced code. [BUG RESULT] ColumnsMode.active() returned a list of columns that in many database configurations was missing metadata columns that were present and active. [FIXED] [dbo_mysql.php DboMysql.connect()] [CODE] The ConnectionFailed() parameters included mysql_errno($this->_link) when no linked existed. [BUG RESULT] Two PHP error messages when MySQL server installed or available [2007-05-07: VERSION 0.5.0] [NEW] Many, many changes - this is the first version that is fully installable and updateable. [CHANGED] [ticket 00000012] Restructured and reworked the entire Project panel server code and client code so that it is now fully drag n' droppable and stable - in the process cleaned up some bugs. [FIXED] [ticket 00000013] Somewhere in here the regex search term highlighting code was beefed up properly with htmlspecialchars() to ensure it handles cases with HTML special characters properly. [2007-04-03: REVISION 8] [NEW] Search queries no longer match all words starting with the keywords but instead imploys word stemming to match only inflections of the actual keywords. [NEW] The Relevance search result column now uses a visual meter scale, as opposed to a number, to indicate the relevance of a particular track to the search query. [CHANGED] The query parser and search engine have been improved to generate more meaningful relevance values. [NEW] Clicking the search query edit button (the little "up" arrow just below the search text box) populates the search box with the query text and now also highlights the text. [FIXED] The Columns menu, the columns drop-downs in the Advanced dialog, and the columns drop-downs in the metabrowser were not properly sorted alphabetically. Fixed. [FIXED] Dragging a results column into the last position causes Javascript errors and messes up the table layout. Fixed. [2007-03-28: REVISION 7] [2007-02-22: REVISION 6] [FIXED] The track grouping function groups tracks of the same TrackTitle but from different libraries under the same group caret. Fixed so that the Library and CDTitle are used to differentiate same-TrackTitled tracks. ticket 00000011 [NEW] Search results can now be presented as matched Albums, Tracks, or a mixed view of Albums and Tracks. [2007-02-13: REVISION 5] [NEW] Clicking the metadata browser button from the home page matches opens the metabrowser for browsing the full library at once. ticket 00000008 [NEW] Running a search with a blank search query now matches all records in the database(s). [CHANGED] As part of the database search code reorganization the metadata browser implementation has also been optimized so that most server-side metadata browser operations are faster. [CHANGED] The database search code has been reorganized and optimized for faster searches and 60% less memory consumption by cache tables. [FIXED] The database search code redundantly runs part of the search twice thus almost doubling search times. [FIXED] IE: Hiding columns and showing previously hidden columns does not work in IE7. [2007-02-06: REVISION 4] [NEW] The webclient now uses file versioning so that browser caches will be updated automatically when new versions of MusicMiner are released. [FIXED] Search term highlighting did not apply to child tracks in GROUP mode. [2007-02-05: REVISION 3] [FIXED] Clicking on a folder or spot item in the Project Panel highlights the item and all its children items instead of just the item itelf. [NEW] The inplace text editor used to name and rename folders and spots now appears with its contents initially selected to allow easier editing. [FIXED] SF: Pressing Enter on a highlighted result track caused the results to scroll to the top. [FIXED] IE: Pressing Enter in IE to play a track did nothing. (not completed yet)***[NEW] Results columns are now resizable in the multiple-row view mode. ticket 00000006**** [2007-02-05: REVISION 2] [NEW] Double-clicking a track starts it playing in the player. ticket 00000001 [NEW] Search terms are now bolded in the search results. The bolding is automatically present for all columns that are indexed for term searching by Admin. ticket 00000007 [2007-01-31: REVISION 1] [FIXED] Searching with the Advanced Search dialog always runs a LOCKED search even when the lock is unlocked. [FIXED] The Columns menu often does not register your selection so you can't add and remove columns reliably. [FIXED] FF: After making a selection in the Columns menu FireFox leaves the mouse stuck in selection mode and highlights the page where ever the mouse is moved. [FIXED] IE/FF: Using the up/down arrows to navigate the results table results in strange scrolling behaviour. [FIXED] IE/FF: Clicking on the group expansion arrow to display alternate versions of a track in GROUP mode dooes not show child tracks. [FIXED] IE: The animated close/open of the Project panel poorly animates, stutters, and causes unsightly flashing of the browser content. [FIXED] IE: Closing the metadata browser doesn't finish closing - the button remains pressed and the closed state isn't registered on the server. ticket 00000003 [FIXED] IE: Clicking on a track row when the tracks area is scrolled resets the scroll to the top and causes the mouse click to miss its target. [NEW] Keyboard controlled playback. Enter plays track. Space pauses/plays loaded track. [NEW] SF: Safari now auto-scrolls track results when navigated using the up/down keyboard keys. [NEW] SF/OP: More stable keyboard control and element focus for Safari and Opera which do not have keyboard support for most elements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IE = Internet Explorer 7 FF = FireFox OP = Opera SF = Safari TODO [IE] Opening metabrowser from new refresh by click on browse button causings content blanking. [IE] Columns menu focuses but does not highlight blue. [ALL] Columns menu items aligned better with checkboxes. D REPORT [] Want to resize columns even in auto view mode. [] Metadata Popup is annoying on automatic. [] Want easier way to play track - such as clicking on filename. [TICKETS] ticket 00000053 [REQUEST] A simpler and yet more sophisticated proxy path system to allow assets and proxies to be spread across multiple drives. (Buzz, Trailer Park, Jesse) ticket 00000052 [REQUEST] Need to be able to quota user downloads. (5 Alarm) ticket 00000051 [REQUEST] Cue Sheets: Need additional metadata columns of Label and Performer in addition to existing Composer and Publisher. (Trailer Park) ticket 00000050 [REQUEST] Would like ability to require new users to accept a terms of user agreement the first time they login. (5 Alarm) # ticket 00000049 [BUG] In Safari 3 keyboard navigation does not work properly as it did in previous versions. (Jesse) # ticket 00000048 [BUG] Deleting a Soundminer database that is still set to active in MusicMiner makes it impossible to log back into MusicMiner as database errors are thrown. (Steve) ticket 00000047 [REQUEST] Want to be able to email from MusicMiner a playlist with tracks auditionable from the email. (5 Alarm) ticket 00000046 [REQUEST] Need a SubMix or Version column added to metadata and a more intuitive way to browse sub-mixes in MusicMiner. (ABC) ticket 00000045 [BUG] Fixed column mode is unstable as the columns sometimes collapse or size incorrectly in some browsers. (ABC) ticket 00000044 [REQUEST] Want more powerful and flexible project sharing. (ABC - see APM project sharing) # ticket 00000043 [REQUEST] Need admin option to disable automatic zipping of multiple file downloads. (Buzz) ticket 00000042 [REQUEST] Need some way to see full metadata of selected tracks in Project Panel - perhaps in the Metadata Panel. (Buzz) ticket 00000041 [REQUEST] Want "All Libraries" and "All Categories" items added to the home page Libraries and Categories lists respectively. (ABC) ticket 00000040 [REQUEST] Want a "Clear Search" button added to the interface that does the same as the Home button. (ABC) # ticket 00000039 [REQUEST] A more descriptive icon for the project panel open/close button. (ABC) # ticket 00000038 [REQUEST] When search results are returned the search box should automatically be cleared and focused ready for a new search. (ABC) # ticket 00000037 [BUG] Clicking the "Edit search text" arrow to the right of the search text should automatically unlock any search lock. (ABC) # ticket 00000036 [BUG] Clicking the Home button should clear the search box and search text. (ABC) ticket 00000035 [BUG] MusicMiner should auto create or at least recommend MySQL indices on the `metadata` columns summarized on the home screen. # ticket 00000034 [BUG] When the results columns are in fixed (custom sized) mode and are sized too small the header text of some columns overflows into the next column. # ticket 00000033 [BUG] The Columns menu, when very long, will overlap the player (which shows through in some browsers) or run off the bottom of the screen making the bottom items inaccessible. ticket 00000032 [REQUEST] Player: QuickTime player should use same Play = Start Fresh and Space = Play/Pause keyboard shortcuts. ticket 00000031 [REQUEST] Cue Sheets: Want to be able to add company logo and legal disclaimer in the cue sheet formatting. ticket 00000030 [REQUEST] Cue Sheets: Should be some way to relink cue sheet cues to the `metadata` table if the metadata has been updated. ticket 00000029 [REQUEST] Want metabrowser to parse and handle columns with multiple comma- and pipe-separated entries. ticket 00000028 [REQUEST] Want simple Admin settings to adjust overall font and colors of user interface. (Elias) ticket 00000027 [REQUEST] Get choice of proxies when selecting tracks for download. ticket 00000026 [REQUEST] Be able to adjust the horizontal bar between the metabrowser and results to show more browse categories. (Elias) # ticket 00000025 [REQUEST] Need some way of doing wildcards with the Asset File Suffix for proxy path rewrites to account for asset libraries with mixed file types and file extensions. # ticket 00000024 [REQUEST] Track play, add to project, and download buttons are to small, hard to click on, and not very clear. # ticket 00000023 [BUG] Databases appear in the database combo box even if the user does not have permission to access the database. # ticket 00000022 [BUG] The Databases admin page throws a Javascript exception when the database list is empty (no available databases). ticket 00000021 [BUG] The Relevance column should be removed from the column permissions system as there is no reason to allow the administrator to turn it off and why bother admin with it. ticket 00000020 [BUG] Cmd-clicking a result track when none are selected causes strange results in some cases as the code tries to also automatically select the first row on the mouse-down. # ticket 00000019 [BUG] Double-clicking live-links or otherwise executing a search or home request multiple times quickly causes a database error trying to insert entries into the `history` table with duplicate keys. # ticket 00000018 [BUG] Trying to exit the Advanced Search dialog or Columns menu (or probably any DialogCtrl) by clicking out of it or pressing Esc fails after it has already been opened once before. # ticket 00000017 [BUG] Collapsing a portion of the project tree using the keyboard left-arrow command when child tracks of a selected folder are also selected causes the folder selection to be lost. # ticket 00000016 [BUG] Mouse-down on the folder arrow of a root folder deselects all when selections should remain unchanged as they do when any other folder's arrow is clicked. # ticket 00000015 [BUG] If there are HTML special characters in the original user search query, such as & or ", they are not properly escaped in the HTML parsed version of the query string. # ticket 00000014 [BUG] Doing a column search using a column, such as CDTitle, which is not present in one of the included databases throws a database exception. # ticket 00000013 [BUG] The search term highlighting is not robust. What if search term has special HTML characters or regex characters? # ticket 00000012 [BUG] Creating a folder/spot with an empty name causes JavaScript exceptions and is impossible to delete. # ticket 00000011 [BUG] The track grouping function groups tracks of the same TrackTitle but from different libraries under the same group caret. # ticket 00000010 [REQUEST] Want to view results as albums, tracks, or both. ticket 00000009 [REQUEST] Want to be able to search within results narrowed down by the metabrowser. # ticket 00000008 [REQUEST] Want to be able to browse the full database with the metabrowser, not just search results. # ticket 00000007 [REQUEST] Want search terms to be bolded or highlighted in search results. ticket 00000006 [REQUEST] Want to be able to resize results columns even in auto-size, multiple column view mode. # ticket 00000005 [BUG] IE/FF: In IE and FF the album artwork thumbnail's border is incomplete - looks sloppy. # ticket 00000004 [BUG] IE: Reordering results columns by dragging the column header does not work in IE7. # ticket 00000003 [BUG] IE: Closing the metadata browser doesn't finish closing - the button remains pressed and the closed state is not updated on the server # ticket 00000002 [BUG] IE: Columns menu items are only clickable directly on text, not on entire item row. # ticket 00000001 [REQUEST] Double-click track to play.